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Faded Sunday

Discussion in 'General' started by goro the puffer, Sep 30, 2007.

  1. Hey guys what's going on ?
    I've had a cold since thursday so I had a bottle of Delsym which has 30mg DXM per teaspoon.. this morning i made cup noodles in a pot with butter and a half eigth of seedless mids, ate it, drank 200 mg of dxm and I had taken 4 tylenol 500's earlier.. I know its not the best of the best but I should be able to get some purple drank prescribed tomorrow when I see my doctor, Im wheezin harder than weezy..

    im faded as hell right now.. oh yeah and i smoked a really nicely rolled j.. i was amazed by how good my joints have come to be after all these years.. perfect cones :D:smoking:
  2. cool , i just got off my cold.
  3. i heard they were about to take the good syrup away from us bad little people junkies that we are.... dang.
  4. faded as well too..drank a half oz of hydrocodone syrup..and just took a 10mg Hydro..

    Im itching like a motherfucker
  5. Any good advice on how to not sound too informed when I ask mmy doctor for some phenergan? (promethazine).. or any other codeine syrup that will get me fucked up.. help me out :p
  6. tell em that yer tummy hurts. they give you fenegen to counteract what the pain killers n shit upset yer stomach, but if you just tell em yer throught really hurts he should give you codiene cough syrup!!!! ;)
  7. :( i want some opiates... fucker
  8. So I'll go in, I'll tell the dude I had this cough syrup called Phenergan a while back and that it worked well last time. Do you think it will fly?
  9. No cuz unless u did have it before he'll look up ur records and find out u weren't prescribed to it before
  10. i didnt but what are the chances.. i could be like it was around the house or something.. i dont know. Got better advice?
  11. it won't work... the cough syrup isn't called phenergen dude.... you want Codiene cough syrup... the phenergen just helps yer stomach.
  12. So if I tell him Codeine Cough Syrup it won't sound suspicious?

  13. dog i just got a cold, cant breathe thru my left nostril. im smoking some kush but i cant feel it much. shits weak!

  14. Haha, Id share but I really do need it..the anti-inflammatories along with the pain from every breath i take really fucking hurts, so they gave me some hydro 10's as well as syrup...
  15. ohh man I miss my Promethazine & Codeine syrup... that shit was too much fun. :D
  16. Being sick really fucking sucks.

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