Hey guys what's going on ? I've had a cold since thursday so I had a bottle of Delsym which has 30mg DXM per teaspoon.. this morning i made cup noodles in a pot with butter and a half eigth of seedless mids, ate it, drank 200 mg of dxm and I had taken 4 tylenol 500's earlier.. I know its not the best of the best but I should be able to get some purple drank prescribed tomorrow when I see my doctor, Im wheezin harder than weezy.. im faded as hell right now.. oh yeah and i smoked a really nicely rolled j.. i was amazed by how good my joints have come to be after all these years.. perfect cones
i heard they were about to take the good syrup away from us bad little people junkies that we are.... dang.
hell..im faded as well too..drank a half oz of hydrocodone syrup..and just took a 10mg Hydro.. Im itching like a motherfucker
Any good advice on how to not sound too informed when I ask mmy doctor for some phenergan? (promethazine).. or any other codeine syrup that will get me fucked up.. help me out
tell em that yer tummy hurts. they give you fenegen to counteract what the pain killers n shit upset yer stomach, but if you just tell em yer throught really hurts he should give you codiene cough syrup!!!!
So I'll go in, I'll tell the dude I had this cough syrup called Phenergan a while back and that it worked well last time. Do you think it will fly?
No cuz unless u did have it before he'll look up ur records and find out u weren't prescribed to it before
i didnt but what are the chances.. i could be like it was around the house or something.. i dont know. Got better advice?
it won't work... the cough syrup isn't called phenergen dude.... you want Codiene cough syrup... the phenergen just helps yer stomach.
dog i just got a cold, cant breathe thru my left nostril. im smoking some kush but i cant feel it much. shits weak!
Haha, Id share but I really do need it..the anti-inflammatories along with the pain from every breath i take really fucking hurts, so they gave me some hydro 10's as well as syrup...