Facing Death---a poem i wrote

Discussion in 'The Artist's Corner' started by JTBl0int, Apr 12, 2006.

  1. Do echoes dwell in an empty shell
    Shadowed Horns Encompass the lively truth
    What was once a dream
    Now an eternal being of what is real
    The sunset of my life crys out its mystical colors
    A militia of mermaids mix in the mess
    I dont see any other way
    what is this place?
    I am lost
    lost in an intergalactic explosion
    Millions of stars combust into billions of lives
    The unfathomable somehow survives
    Being stabbed by trillions of knives
    He still strives
    Through this misty haze
    he still strives
    Through this treacherous rain
    he still strives
    Through this pain
    However he does not feel pain
    Only comfortably numb
    Rum a Dum Drum
    the bum ate the crumb
    The ghostly sound of that steel drum
    Soaring and Swifting
    My soul is at peace.
  2. Hahahaha... You must be incredibly stoned... A bumb ate a crumb? Hahahaha.

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