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Facial redness

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by duckie2011, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. I have recently tried MMJ for my chronic pain. A hit or 2 makes the pain go away. Only thing is that I notice that my face and neck turn red for 2 days. Is this normal?

    Before anyone asks, yes I am new to MMJ.
  2. Never heard of this? Sorry i'm no help but I would recomend maybe trying it again and see if you have similar results? Could possibly be an allergic reaction or something? I know my face turns red after a few bongloads of OG Kush but not for 2 days. Keep us posted on how your situation turns out. Dont give up on mmj just yet it can be an extremly benneficial tool
  3. Im sorry but i know people who smoke all day every day
    nd i smoke a fair mount
    ive never heard of this, maybe you can have some kind of allergy to marijuana? Does it itch or anything??

    |try picking up a different kind of bud and see how it affects you.
  4. No itching. No hives, just a red neck and face.
  5. ya my face gets flushed often when i smoke, but its sorta just a rosy cheek thing it doesn't feel like anything allergic
  6. Maybe it is due to the dilation of your blood vessels. Do you have fair skin?

  7. I have very fair skin. It seems like it just makes the areas where I have been exposed to the sun worse. It is only the front of my neck that gets red and not the back. Scalp also doesn't get affected.

  8. In my unprofessional opinion, it is probably from the dilation of blood vessels close to your skin in your face. I also have fair skin, and this happens to me too; although it does not last for as long.
  9. im also fairly sure thats it. One time my teacher told me she could always tell when my friend smoked bc his face turned red but she couldnt tell with me. so im guessin its a pretty normal thing with some people.
  10. I have an appointment with my spine surgeon the end of this month so I will ask him since he is the one who suggested the MMJ.
  11. yep same here very fair skin doesn't last too long so i don't give it much thought
  12. Rosacea? Have heard mj triggers flare-ups for some with Rosacea.

  13. No I don't have Rosacea. I have researched this and it isn't what it looks like.
  14. I just want to give an update.

    I went to the dispensary yesterday and picked up some brownies. Tried part of 1 when I got home. No facial or neck redness last night. Woke up this morning and the only thing I have is red eyes (never had them before). So I am guessing that edibles will be the way for me to medicate.
  15. It's not MJ. It's smoke. I bet if you smoke anything you will get flushed. I'm the same way. Now I just vape and eat.

  16. ya i would not be surprised if that is the case with me , my face getting flushed is sorta my body's generic response to a lot of things

  17. Smoking and vaping both do it. Eating seems to work well.
  18. What race are you? I ask because people of Asian decent have the same problem when they drink... they turn bright red and its hilarious. I forgot the over the counter medication that prevents this flushing but if you pm me tomorrow to remind me I will look it up in my pharmacology manual.

    Both drinking and smoking green creates a thermogenic effect. In other words your metabolism speeds up, your blood pressure goes up, and there is a sure of blood that can fill up your small capillaries within the skin tissue (of course more than others).

    My best advice would be to get a blood test and or complete physical to check thyroid, kidney, and most importantly liver function (your liver controls your metabolism). Further, a complete physical includes an EKG for you heart. That will tell you if everything is solid. If it is, and you dont care about the redness then it is prob not a concern.

    Your body can also develop a tolerance to such reaction and the redness will cease. You are NOT allergic to marijuana. Be honest with your doctor but dont panic.

  19. I am caucasian. Just had a complete physical done at the beginning of the year. I had surgery done so they really check you out quite well before they give you general anesthesia. I have my kidney and liver checked every 3 months since I take meds for high blood pressure and also high cholesterol.

    Guess when I see my doctor I will ask her to check my thyroid function. I have no problem discussing MMJ with my doctor. If you are not honest with them they can miss an easy diagnosis.
  20. its probably a combination of your high blood pressure and fair skin.

    marijuana can mess with blood pressure, also do you smoke cigs?

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