
Discussion in 'High Ideas' started by Tp123, Nov 14, 2012.

  1. I feel like Facebook is people's thoughts vomited on my computer screen. Like, it's the time people try and be artsy and express their opinions and shit. Think about it, you never hear people talking about "true love" or quoting artsy phrases in real daily conversations, however they seem to switch completely to this once I get onto my computer.
  2. Facebook is a website fueled by people's raging egos
    I try to stay away from it as best as I can
  3. (!=)

    True, we create a modified persona, that has/is only what we want it to be. That´s why it´s so good, and why it´s so bad, I guess
  4. #4 WestCoastDragon, Nov 16, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 16, 2012
    it's honestly fucking scary....

    t its so hard to remember life before facebook, like during high school we never had to say "did you hear dude! x is in a relationship with y, i saw it on facebook! or "i knew that about her!, its on her facebook"

    it's scary bro, how accustomed the damn website has become so integrated in human lives, like now its starting to become a requirement, to create this online persona so you portray yourself to the world, even if that persona doesnt really constitute jack shit about who you really are

    this "bullying problem: we have today, the internet, specifically things like facebook just make it worse, people's lives out there in the open, hell! you cant even talk to someone without thinkng about thier facebook

    pretty soon, your facebook is going to be required at birth (the way shits going)

    i had one, lol but i soon realized it was just plugging people into the matrix, seriously
    if you ever actually step back and fuck off facebook for a bit, you realize much of your daily emotions revolved around the damn website, scoping, believing and following all these other people who are probably just as confused with thier own lives as you and i are

    a couple of tagged pictures, quotes and wall posts are supposed to tell the world who i am?
    my profile is supposed to allow everyone to understand this person i represent, my ideas, dreams, social circles and life in general?!

    now people are all like "you dont have a facebook? why! omg!?"
    i can't even go to a party without worrying about photos ending up on the site like wtf? what happened to the days we could just party and take photos, without the drama, the gossip and just complete openess it has allowed people to take

    then we get these fake "illusions" of people's lives, making us feeling more shitty about our own, like "my album dedicated to the crazy week in vegas", you end scrolling through hundreds of photos thinking "fuck my life isnt that exciting" when in reality it was just a weeknd.......thier just as confused and vulnerable as you...but this online persona allows people to hide, create thier own egos and a false sense of popularity.....

    sorry, i needed that rant lol, i try to tell people this, but no one understands.....too plugged in
    notice how no goverment officials, real important people or even some celebrities dont really have a direct facebook profile
    it's a tool for the masses, to keep us distracted from self-reflection and critical thinking....
    i feel people lost the art of actual communication, hell no one can even say hi anymore just walking past each other, no one can even stop and help someone any more, instead we are plugged to our phones and comps.....but where is the human interaction? the love? the social empathy ?

    granted it has done some good (instant connection, event invites, organizaing protests etc)
    but its a damn shame i now have to have a facebook to be invited some where, or our freindship is constituted by facebook..

    fuck THAT MAN
  5. hell yeah west coast! couldnt have said it better myself.... i agree with that 100%
  6. I use facebook mainly to keep in touch with my best friend who lives in japan. She posts pics of my godson and I can honestly say hers are the only pictures I enjoy looking at. I have unsubscribed to so many of my friends. Now my news feed is mainly full of news and blips from pages like Upworthy, True Activist, I <3 Books etc etc.

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