Facebook page talks about the evils of "snorting" and "injecting" marijuana

Discussion in 'General' started by nimblybimbly, Feb 13, 2013.

  1. http://www.facebook.com/BanWeed

    Hey blades. I was on Facebook, came across this page called "stop weed smoking" if you have the time. Go to that link and see how ridiculously uneducated this person is. They take before and after photos that look like they should be on "Faces of Meth" and blame iron weed. It's sad how misinformed the followers of this page at. Any one else see this yet?
  2. Ignorance at its finest.
  3. I couldnt tell if it's a troll or some religious zealot who has done no research on the matter. Even worse is the dumbass teenagers commenting on everything with inaccurate statements. Yeah, the comments are pro pot, b they are way off, not to mention the kids can't even go a whole paragraph without saying "fuck" ten times.
  4. It looks like it's a joke page.
  5. Stop smoking weed,
    it won't do the deed.

    "Cannabis is bad.
    not hip, not rad!

    Don't smoke what'll kill you because it makes you look cool,
    because in the eyes of God, you'll alwyas look like a tool."

    A few pictures




    "See those plants under the tall cactus?

    Guess what that is? Yep, you guessed it. This new thing called "Desert Weed".

    It looks more round but you can smoke the prickled on it, and take off the outer layers and there's cannabis within it, ALREADY WRAPPED!"


  6. That's what i thought, but the only thing I don't get if that's the case, is if it was a joke page, who the hell has time to make a fake Facebook page, complete with stories and frequent updates, all to rile up stoners? Very possible though, seeing as plent of people have too much time on their hands.
  7. #7 A Rational Psychopath, Feb 13, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 13, 2013






  8. Thanks for sharing the pics, this way blades that don't wanna go to the link can get an idea what I mean.
  9. Dude... are you slow or something...?
  10. Me? Or the person who made the page?
    A LOT of people have ridiculous ideas about the "dangers" of weed, so a religiously zealous person with strong convictions making a Facebook page with a bunch of unfounded facts bashing weed doesn't sound too far fetched...
  11. who would even like that page?
  12. obvious satire
  13. I seriously hope for humanity's sake that the creator of the page is a troll.
  14. It's a joke page are you guys fuckin serious?? use your heads please.
  15. I've come to a general conclusions that it's satire, but you REALLY DO see stuff like this from time to time that's genuine. Anyway thanks for your help this far guys!

  16. Yeah, man, that page is totally legit...

  17. If you use twitter look up concernedmom420. The nonsense she spews is ignorant and all I can do is laugh at it


    Attached Files:

  18. Haha, this is obviously a satire/troll page, and it's hilarious. A lot of pissed off people posting there though... Seems as though a lot of folks don't have an ear for sarcasm. It's a troll page, move along.

  19. idk where i left my head.. :smoking: oh someone make that into a sexual joke plz

  20. Hey man, no negativity neede:) there's plenty of shit on the web that would lead one to think this is serious.

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