Facebook co-founder gives additional $50,000 to legalize marijuana in California LATimes / Jessica Guynn / October 5, 2010 Facebook has rejected advertising from Proposition 19 activists who are trying to decriminalize marijuana in California. But Facebook co-founder Dustin Moskovitz has contributed an additional $50,000 to the Yes on 19 effort, according to late contribution reports. He previously gave $20,000. [Updated 1:42 pm: Moskovitz said in an e-mail: "More than any other initiative out there, Prop 19 will stabilize our national security and bolster our state economy. It will alleviate unnecessary overcrowding of non-violent offenders in our state jails, which in turn will help California residents."] The world’s youngest billionaire was a Harvard roommate of Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg and moved with him to Palo Alto to work full-time on Facebook. Moskovitz left Facebook in 2008 to start his own company, Asana, which helps individuals and companies better collaborate. Forbes estimates that the 26-year-old, who has a 6% stake in Facebook, is worth $1.4 billion. Moskovitz, who prefers to keep a low profile, is portrayed by Joseph Mazzello in "The Social Network." Here's Moskovitz's take on the movie. This has got to help with the Yes on Prop 19 efforts.