Fabric planters help

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by les0000, Mar 3, 2018.

  1. Probably a stupid question but it was the first time I watered in my new 5 gall fabric planter I wasn't expecting all the water to pour out the sides so how do I know it got all it needed and the nutes feel like more came out then went in .

  2. Water slower at the base of the plant, that way the water absorbs into soil instead of flooding the surface. I use a 1/2 gallon feeder with a narrow spout.

    Sent from my LG-M150 using Tapatalk
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  3. How compact is your soil? Are you using something like fox farms ocean forest, or hardware store soil? It's normal for some runoff to happen high up on the pot, but not all of it. How much water did you use?
  4. As long as the bag is in contact with the runoff it will absorb it back.
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  5. I use giant trays and as of today i water with a wand now that hooks up to a sink. But as i was saying a deep basin or tray with no holes you can water a lil on top and fill the tray the plant will suck up the rest through the mesh. 1520109229463.jpg

    I grow trees. Trees Number Three's
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  6. Good points, leave them in a water basin and let them soak up the run off from the tray. This is exactly what I do. Just make sure not to overwater, otherwise your plants will be sitting in water, which is what you don't want. If they don't soak up the water in about 15 min or so, you should consider emptying the basin.
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  7. I'm using fox farm

  8. Great ty so much for all the help


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