
Discussion in 'Science and Nature' started by IGOTJOINTS4YA, Dec 7, 2008.

  1. can somebody explain to me the function of what the function of f(x)=1/x?
  2. It's a reciprocal function
  3. my buddy just got this tatooed on him and he would not tell me what it was...

    a reciprocal function huh...

    don't know what he was thinking about when he got that tat...

  4. I think it has a lot of applications in calculus. Math was really never my strong suit, somebody else could probably tell you more.
  5. #5 tailsprower, Dec 7, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 7, 2008
    It is a hyperbola. I don't know if that has anything to do with why he would tattoo it on himself, though.
  6. its theirst derivitive of f(x)=ln(x)
  7. he got a knuckle tattoo but he won't tell me the reason why.
  8. Makes sense to me. Sam_Spade already said its a reciprocal function.
  9. If I were to get that tattoo, it would be for two reasons:

    1) If you look at the graph of the function, as x goes towards zero, y goes up towards infinite.

    2) As x gets bigger, y goes towards 0, but never gets there, just keeps getting closer and closer.

    It represents to me that nobody can achieve perfection (infinite or zero, the function never gets to a definite number), and that nothing can be quantified perfectly. I'm really stoned so I can't really convey the significance it has to me haha. Just throwing one possible explanation out there.
  10. I'm sure he's just a fan of math. Perhaps he's become "enlightened" in regards to math?
  11. just like dvdplaya said....the first derivative of the function f(x)=1/x is f'(x)=lnx
    just like if the function is f(x)=5/x...f'(x)=5lnx
  12. haha but why would he be like "sweeeeeet i'm totally getting a tatt of the first derivative of the natural log of x!"

    lol i think the answer about how
    LIM (x -> infinity) f(x) -> 0
    LIM (y -> infinity) f(y) -> 0
    was the most insightful.

    i dunno tho
  13. It is not a hyperbola - that is

    x^2/a^2 - y^2/b^2 = 1

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