eyes puffy, pale, and stuffy nose according to mom

Discussion in 'General' started by Selahv2, Jul 23, 2013.

  1. so even an hour or so after i smoke my mom can always tell when I'm high its crazy. she always notices first that i "look a little pale" which i do not notice at all and none of my friends have ever said something about it either, and apparently my eyes get puffy and nose stuffy. 
    is there any remedy for these symptoms??

  2. LMAO! Can't go wrong with that.
  3. Not getting so high and waiting longer to sober up before going home. That is ALL you can do. Or just not get high.
  4. Try some allergy pills.  
  5. This is no time for jokes, man!
  6. This. Sounds like allergies to me. Has this just recently started over summer?
  7. Deny deny deny
  8. Almost every time I smoke flower I get a stuffy nose now. That lasts until the next morning.

    I think its something in the weed or maybe it just irritates my sinus'. Maybe OP is suffering from something similar.

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  10. it must suck to have family members who care whether you're stoned or not

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