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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by dylan2213, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. So i just picked up a few bottles of eye drops, But i am just wondering should i put them on before i smoke or will that ruin the effect and not get rid of the redness? or would it be better to put them on after and not risk them not working, but i will probably be a handy dart before it comes to putting them in ;p.
  2. I wait till after, but ive had friends who tell me it works either way. Get a mirror and test it lol.
  3. i used to use eyedrops every time i smoked, clear eyes redness relief were the best ones i found. me and my friends used to put them on after we blazed and our eyes would be white as the moon, but they still are just as effective if u put them on before.

    i stopped using cleareyes, and i noticed that after a couple months my eyes stopped turning red, they just kinda have this glazed over yellow tint now.
  4. Iv used visine ALOT, but never actually used it beofre i blazed.. good question. Im gunna try that and see if it works.

    But i still advise not using eye drops till after, because then you know you have no worries. Its always better that way. :smoke:
  5. Put them on before you smoke. I don't know how many times Ive been caught "in the act" to where I wish i already had my eyedrops on.

    It wont cancel it out lol.
  6. Try putting them in before smoking. Try putting them in after smoking (different session though). You'll figure out which method works better for you.

    I've never had eye drops work when I put them in before the session, but I have friends who swear by it. It just depends on the person.
  7. It doesn't matter when you put your eye drops in, I just say its easier to do it before and it works better because your eyes won't even get red and that way you'll be able to put away your eye drops and not loose them =]
    My friend taught me to put them in before back in high school, didn't know that would work but it works wonders.

    So if you put them in before your eyes wont even get red, if you put them in after it'll just take a while for them to become white. Personal preference!
  8. Yeah I always put eye drops in before I smoke. It still works and like someone said above me, I stopped losing my bottles which was always a pain.
  9. Works wonders before, as well as after.

    Either is all good, the stuff in those eye drops works for quite some period of time.
  10. i do it before cause it always seems like such a hassle when im baked haha. and also you dont have to wait for them to work
  11. I always put them on before I get high, yeah it works.
  12. It works both ways, but I like to do it after because there is just something nice about being high as all hell and dropping in those refreshing eyedrops in your eyes :rolleyes:
  13. I usually put them in before, sometimes i forget and do it after. Doesn't really matter, i dont think there is any difference.
  14. Here is a short story:

    Once i put eyedrops in b4 i smoked. After like a long smoking sesh i went home and my mother noticed my eyes being red. It was back in the day when i was noobie having smoked just few months, so my mom didn't know and i just told her that my contacts went dry.

    So my advice is:
    After three years of nearly daily toking i have a method. Smoke! and then if you are planning to go outside or if ur not home and coming back to your parents just put them in 10 minutes b4 you go. This ought to clear out the redness and makes your eyes as white as a person who lives in the north pole. So yeah
  15. I always put my rohtos in before I toke.
    Then you don't have to worry about it, and your eyes stay nice and white :D
    I usually end up losing them otherwise, or get caught putting them in.

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