Eye of the needle | An Ayahuasca Journey.

Discussion in 'Stoner Movies & Documentaries' started by Andreas., Sep 12, 2013.

  1. #1 Andreas., Sep 12, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 12, 2013
    Pretty intersting stuff.
    ´Uncover an ancient South American ritualized medicine and mysterious hallucinogenic substance known as ayahuasca. Director, Daniel LeMunyan leads the viewer through a visually striking exploration into the Peruvian Amazon rainforest and the hidden depths of human consciousness in this short documentary.
    Ayahuasca's active ingredient is DMT or Dimethyltryptamine which causes intense, sometimes nightmarish hallucinations lasting for up to 8 hours. Blended and cooked slowly, this brew is a mixture of 2 plants found only in the Amazon and is used by locals to enter a deep trance that is said to heal the body and unlock the subconscious mind. Guided by shamans, a person enters the eye of the needle and must face his own truths and deepest fears`


  2. I think I saw this somewhere before. I think it was on an episode of drugs Inc.

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