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Eye Drops

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by skillsforilz, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. Is it better to put eye drops in before or after you smoke? I just want to know from your guys past experiences. I've never had to bother with them until now, so let me know which is better to do.
  2. After..putting them in before wont do much. what happens is the smoke irritates your eyes and makes the veins appear more. the eye drops puff them up so they appear more white. eye drops are VERY bad for your eyes if you use them alot you'll need glasses...I avoid them :)
  3. After. You're eyes won't turn red till after smoking so it's best to put them in when the symptom (red eyes) set in.

    I have heard people put them in before but see little point..
  4. Before, the eye drops prevent redness for several hours. The point is your eyes wont get red at all, just like how they put you on painkillers before surgery, not during.

    Also, your eyes don't turn red because the smoke irritates your eyes. It's something to do with MJ relaxing your eyes (hence the droopiness) and increased blood flow
  5. Yeah i agree with the poster above. Before for sure.
  6. Both of the first 2 people know nothing of what they are talking about. Buy Rhoto brand, the cooling ones. It'll sting a bit, which I prefer because it lets me know the stuff got in my eyes to begin with lol (clear eyes I cant even feel if its in there or not!)

    I use my eye drops RIGHT before toking. I down an entire bowl (3-4 milky hits) with kief, baked as shit, look in the mirror, eyes are white as hell. I can keep puffing for a good 3-4 hours after that too and they wont get red at all (this might be because they are Rhoto brand though which uses a different lubricant and redness reliever than other brands), and my eyes usually do get red without drops. Try it for yourself, I prefer to not let my eyes and eyelids get red to begin with, that way I look fresh from the get-go lol.
  7. like I've said before; people only should be answering questions if they know the answer.

    And its not because it irritates your eyes...
    My brother used to put them in after, and it worked.
  8. 1) Before. The effects of the eye drops are gonna last through and beyond your session. Also, I find it much harder to put them in after I've toked, if you feel me :smoking:

    2) Red Eyes is NOT because of the smoke.
    - a) I still get red eyes when I vape.
    - b) I still get red eyes when I use my smoke buddy.
  9. Smoking marijuana increases your heart rate and blood pressure, hense the wider blood vessels in your eyes due to the higher pressure/blood flow. Put them in before as I said. You can put them in after too, either way it works. I find it's just easier before, get it out of the way and never let them get red to begin with.
  10. I put them in before. It never fails (in my personal experience of course) and it's usually easier for me :p
  11. I had laser eye surgery in May so i've been using them almost a year so it's kinda nice that I was using them anyways.

    I'm killing 2 stones with 1 bird.
  12. When I used to use Rhotos, I would put them in before smoking and my eyes were white.
  13. Also depends what you're smoking.

    Sativa makes your eyes droopy and red.

    Indica.... Not so much.
  14. You can put them in before and after. It makes very little difference as eye drops are meant to cure and prevent dry/red eyes.

    I prefer before, as my hands are not as... jumpy.
  15. All weed makes your eyes droopy and red, indica or satva. What your saying makes NO sense.

  16. Why do you have to use them in the first place?

    I don't use them at all.
    I go to school with red eyes if I smoke up before.
    I don't care.

    The staff knows I smoke if they read their emails I have sent them regarding Cannabis Legalization movements I have made.
  17. Its so funny how many people don't know what their talking about on apprentice tokers :smoke: Then they try to give advice haha.

    Like others have said, before is good :)!
  18. I always put them in after, i think its more effective, though putting them in before might be easier because your not high as fuck and missing like 5 attempts to put the damn drops in lol.
  19. Yours eyes get red because thc opens up your veins increasing blood flow, so your veins your eyes get larger and more blood flows through them making them red.
  20. No one wants to advertise they smoke bud, that's just asking for trouble.

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