Exxon Mobil reports 4th-quarter profit up 53% | Barnett Shale | Dallas Business, Texas B... Can someone explain the whole oil companies not having to pay taxes thing to me?
because bush/cheney are in bed with the oil companies.. oh wait.. but seriously.. do they really not pay any taxes? Yet they tax the fuck out of a gallon of gas? That's pretty fucked up
I am not sure I swore I heard it somewhere / I saw something like exxon mobil paid 0$ in income tax? Exxon's Income Tax: $0 [UPDATED] | Mother Jones
A corporation wouldn't do that. Even if they did they were just being patriotic because taxes are theft.
Taxes are a scam. Only suckers and poor people pay taxes. How many people in Obama's cabinet had problems getting approved because they were tax cheats? As I remember lots of them did. Those TV commercials for tax lawyer services where the people say "We owed the IRS $1million, but we only paid $12,000." That's how you do it. Don't pay your taxes, hope you don't get caught. And if you do, hire a lawyer to go to bat for you and the IRS will settle for a tiny fraction of what you should have paid in the first place. But if you're poor and get caught not paying your taxes, can't afford to hire that lawyer, you'll owe all the money + interest + a big fat fine. Maybe even jail time. The IRS seeks out poor people to audit and fine. Because they know when the audit comes, the poor person will show up with a folder full of bank statements and pay stubs and the auditor can beat the person up (metaphorically). When they audit a rich person, the person's attorney shows up with boxes and boxes full of paperwork and it ends up in a courtroom with the auditor taking the pummeling.
this is absolutely false. poor people do not get audited nearly as much as the rich.. why would the IRS waste resources to audit someone who can't afford to pay them and has no property to seize? Audit, IRS and Tax also if you're poor and get caught not paying, you can call the IRS yourself without a lawyer and work out a payment plan.. (that you'll probably pay for the rest of your life) a tax attorney will get you a better deal (getting interest and penalties knocked off, and finding loopholes) but you can work it out on your own.. and for the "taxes are theft comments" i don't think anyone disputes the constitutionality of corporate taxes.. only the taxes placed on citizens labor.
yeah, gas around here this time last year was like 2.75, now were pushing 3.40 should be fun if it hits 5$
Come to the UK and pay $8 a gallon. Sometimes I wonder what is wrong the people in this country, me included.
New day, same news. When do you figure we will reach the 'brink'? I mean, how many times have we all discussed these facts that usually end in the little guy (us) getting screwed? When will we move from talking about the problem to actually confronting the problem? For this, I don't have an answer. But as I take a look around I can only hope it's in the near future. Look at the Egyptians. Wheat prices skyrocket and millions take to the streets in rebellion of the elite rulers. Just realized the politics section is located in the 'chillout zone', which is ironic considering the fact that most people will do anything BUT that when discussing politics. peace guys
I think it's 'cos we don't have guns... I'm sure if anyone tried to charge that much over there you'd just shoot them. Best way IMO.
I won't be surprised in a few years when 3.60 is considered low, when the oil companies still aren't being taxed, and when they are still gouging the fuck out of us.