Extremely high in Philosophy class

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Appocolyptik, Nov 19, 2008.

  1. Haha so me and my friend got ridicolously stoned before Philosophy, which was a regular occurance last year until we got seperated into different groups. We were studying Immanel Kant and his categorical imperative and me being high as pluto had to dominate the discussion with my rambling stoned stupors.

    Teacher: So can anyone explain the meaning of the categorical imperative?
    Teacher: *Sigh* Okay Joe... go on
    Me: Right imagine yeah, you've got this society of monkeys. Now these monkeys live just like normal humans and all spack about going their daily business yeah? You've got king monkey, and queen monkey, and even prince monkey. They like to eat and they like to drink, feeding and mating like normal animals yeah. Only one day, one of these monkeys falls off a cliff and is dangling on by one hand. Another monkey is passing by and notices the struggling animal dangling there. Now, would it be the other monkeys categorical duty for dutys sake to save that other monkey?
    Teacher: *irritated* What's your point?

    Needless to say, I got sent out because I was laughing too hard and couldn't calm down.
  2. Reminds me of my philosophy class last year :smoke:

    Pretty funny story man.
  3. hahahha i'd be crackin up in class too
  4. sounds logical
  5. ...I hate when you're so high that you can't stop yourself from laughing in a situation where you're public. It's quite fun when you're with you're friends smoking, but when you're in a situation where nobody should know you're high it can be pretty difficult. Especially at work, or in your case, school.
  6. Man..in my philosophy of religion class, about 20 minutes into it, my prof begins talking about something, and describing it as "more than meets the eye." (I'd love to tell you what it was about, but I was ripped out of my mind that night)
    Anyways, after the first time, I looked over at my fiancee and she had the same thought that I did, and immediately I whispered "Dun da da..dun na, dun da dun" (Transformers, more than meets the eye..)
    We both start laughing in the middle of this very small class of approximately 13 people. We couldn't stop, and everyone knew we were baked, but the professor continued his lecture even though we were laughing. Obviously, this continued on a smaller scale a few more times until my high died off around the end of the class, which was 3 hours. Damn that was some good weed.
  7. Haha yeah my teachers 6 ft 4, huge and an ex marine so he's not one to fuck around with.

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