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Extremely dizzy from smoking

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Shurple Durple, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. Ok every time I smoke pot the room starts trying to spin and my stomach feels really uneasy. The other day I almost passed out I was so dizzy! Also it felt like I couldn't open my jaw. I would like to enjoy weed with my friends since most of them smoke it but i cant. Does anyone have similar experiences? Also, would ingesting it or vaporizing it perhaps help?:hello:
  2. You smoked too much
    Just smoke less or take your time.
  3. Do you really think? I was actually scared that I was allergic or something! So should i try stretching out my smoking over like an hour or just take really small hits?

  4. I'm not a doctor but it sounds like you had low blood sugar try eating something like 30 minutes before you smoke next and get back to us to see if it helped
  5. Just sounds like you have little to no tolerance, it will get better the more times you smoke.
  6. Make sure you have had a meal, or have one at hand.

    Also, are you mixing tobacco? Sometimes that isn't too great for new stoners. Also try smoking a little less and building it up till you are used to it.

    Hope this helps a little
  7. The only to keep toking :)

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