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Extremely Dank Purple Texas Pick-up: 3 GRAMS+! *MACROS/DIGITALS BUMP!*

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by iLoveWaterBongs, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. #1 iLoveWaterBongs, Jan 29, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2011
    Here's a recent $60 pickup of 3 or more grams of some extremely dank stuff I grabbed down here in Beaumont, Texas. This stuff can be smelled from across the room, has a VERY potent, skunky smell. The trichomes are ridiculous.... a few hits and you will be OUT of there! Took a week tolerance break and smoked 4 hits of this stuff with a cousin and it felt like my first time again, no kidding! You know, the REALLY potent weed highs that you forget about if you start smoking everyday. Yeah... this mary is WONDERFUL! Fractal, perception change city.

    Anyways, excuse the introduction. Here's the buddha, apparently 'Purple Kush' from the dealer. Who knows though, to me this is exactly what I was looking for! (note, the original camera phone photos were moved down to my second post, HERE'S THE DIGITAL/MACROS of a few choice nugs! THERE ARE AT LEAST 2-3 MORE NUGLETS THAN THIS! (I suspect 4 grams!):


    :smoke: Hope you enjoy.

    Edit: Camera phone images suck, gonna try to grab a few on the digital.
    Edit2: Digitals upppppp.
  2. I bet it tastes great.
  3. looks good dude nice pickup
  4. #4 iLoveWaterBongs, Jan 29, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2011
    Very much so... such a pleasant aftertaste, really one of my favorite all around strains so far. I believe they said it was a kush, but that might've been one of the other strains I chose from. :p

    Here's the original camera phone images:

  5. Nudge. *Smokes a bowl*.
  6. I'd be willing to bet a good amount of money that either came from Austin or Houston. :)

    Enjoy that man.
  7. did i miss the purple?

  8. thats what im wondering:confused:

    Looks dank anyways:smoke:
  9. According to dealer. One of those shows the purple shade pretty well in a bud but it's definitely an indica high.
  10. Ive gotten purp before that didnt look like Purp at all, but it sure as hell tasted like it. Prolly same case with you?

    Oh btw, the first couple of pics remind me very much so of Sour Diesel. The bud formation is pretty unique :smoke:
  11. Yea definitely what I was thinking. I get lots of purp that don't necessarily have purple color in it.
  12. Yeah, dude quoted was right on point, tastes how a normal purple strain is supposed to, very distinct, potent taste.
  13. kinda pricey dude i get the oz for 390 of purple haze :eek:
  14. I can smell that shit from here....awesome pickup......tokeonnnnnnn
  15. very nice pickups bro, repin the texas!!

  16. O for 300 ova here:smoke:
  17. Looks like some good bud.

    And no one cares how much you get your ounces for, there will always be someone with a better price. :wave::bongin:

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