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extreme urge for hugging?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by ganja1123, Jan 14, 2010.

  1. i smoked some strawberry kush and like ive smoked alot of diff kinds but this stuff is so romantic. Like god damn i wanna hug everybody hardcore. and buy them. buy them icecream.

    yeah as you may guess im pretty high lol. and if you remember this is may not make sense but i do think it is interesting.
  2. only plant that brings people together man
  3. Usually, whenever I'm high I just want to mess around with my girlfriend...
    Lately, whenever I get high; I just want to play Modern Warfare 2.

  4. wheres my ice cream! im hungry :p

    pass on the hug though :cool:

    unless of course you're of the female variety :D
  5. Dave Warden described Strawberry Kush as a strain that you would want to smoke with your girlfriend. I think this is the urge he was referring to.
    check it out, its a pretty recent video.
    [ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

    side note: alot of people don't like dave warden, but i really appreciate his sense of humor...and he gets some of the best weed in the world lol.
  6. awww little romeo gets a woody when he tokes his strawbery kush
  7. goddamn a hug does sound good right now :smoking:

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