
Discussion in 'General' started by PurpleBowl, Jul 23, 2010.

  1. I'm some-what used to chemistry, but I havn't found a way to do this yet. Any one here know how to extract pure THC and THC only, from Cannabis? That way I have the sticky resin? Because I was thinking if I could extract it I could put it in pills, that way if you don't have time to smoke you could just take a pill or two (Deppending on the potency regarding that its pure THC your taking in) and you'd still be able to get baked if you can't smoke at that time. :hello: And imagine how much money that would sell for on the streets?!?! :D I don't know if I'm the first to think of this or not, but whatever goes, goes.
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  2. Uhm... That sounds like alot of trouble making pills, unless you're really smart in that field or something.
  3. From what I've read about Marinol, the high sucks. It just makes you uncomfortable.
  4. #5 YoSmokinMan, Jul 23, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 23, 2010
    ^Right THC is only one of many cannabinoids present in the plant.

    Look up qwiso.
  5. Yea, you can make hash - but I don't think it will work if you eat it - unless you make some cannabutter and if you have cannabutter - fuck a pill make some brownies or cookies.
  6. Haha thanks for the replys, I'll be sure to remember those things.
  7. you don't want pure thc. i saw some forgotten news footage from england or something (i barely remember) where a lady reporter "took one for the team" and decided to take large doses of marinol (which is pure thc i think) and it didn't look like very fun experience. it had kind of the opposite of the effect you'd expect.
  8. Heard of hash oil or honey oil? Thats pretty much as close as you're gonna get if you're looking for almost pure THC. Also theres a product called budder and another called marjarine thats supposed to be almost 100% THC. Never tried them though.
  9. You need to use chromatography to do this. To be 100% sure you of the compounds you could use a mass spectrometry machine, but those are like a million dollars. The process for basic THC extraction goes something like this:
    1. Grind up your bud - just break it up - do not grind to a powder
    2. Add your solvent (ie: isopropanol, ethanol, alcohol, etc.) - approx. 1.5 litres to each 100 grams of plant material
    3. Mix on a magnetic stirrer at a low speed
    4. Filter the solution
    5. Evaporate the solvent to concentrate the solution - use some sort of a still, but a rotary evaporator is best to recapture most of your solvents and reuse them.
    6. Then put the solution in a beaker on a hotplate magnetic stirrer at 110 degrees Celcius and run the magnetic stirrer on medium speed until you have your oil and it stops boiling.
    You can put your oil in a pill capsule and eat that. :)

    I realize this post is from 2010 - this is what the pros do now that the industry is far more advanced.
  10. I can answer this question

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