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Extracting thought.....

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by opusthe2nd, Jun 2, 2019.

  1. I'm not trying this but was thinking. Could you take weed, put it in coconut oil, then decarb the whole lot, then remove the weed and keep the oil...or something kinda like that? Would that be an effective extraction?

    I guess I'm wondering if one was to make RSO style, would oil be as effective as using alcohol? Probably not, but its got me thinking nonethless.
  2. Decarb first. 240 F for 40 minutes ( weed uncovered on a cookie sheet in oven)

    5 grams decarbed Powdered Buds, Kief, Hash, Concentrates.
    2.5 teaspoons Coconut oil
    1/2 teaspoon Lecithin ( any kind )
    Heat 220 F for 20 minutes
    Heat 220 F for 20 minutes.
    Done. Fills 30 (0) capsules.
    80mg with Kief. 25mg with buds.

    Straining removes 25% or more of the strength. Leave the weed bits in the oil for max effects.
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  3. Once submerged in an oil decarb is very slow and by the time it's activated your into degraded territory and it's getting progressively more sleep inducing.
    I need to be functional through the day and want my meds as get up and go as possible so I keep the decarb to 40 minutes and the processing at 20x2 minutes.
    At least it works that way for me. YMMV.

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  4. Yeah, thats the recipe you gave me...and thats what I do. This is for a cancer person, sleepy is good. I only put .5g [total weight] into a capsule at this time. I think thats going to be much for her though.
  5. There a few problems with in-oil decarb/infusion.
    In-oil decarb isn't as efficient as in-air decarb, and requires a different time/temp.
    Using enough oil to absorb most of the cannabinoids would make a weak medicine that would require the ingestion of many pills.

    For cancer patients who need a lot of thc, concentrates will make the easiest to administer doses.
    FECO/RSO slightly diluted with oil, and put into caps can be as potent as 600 mg thc in one size 00 capsule.

    If you can get enough medicine in a small enough number of pills, BrassNwood's method is hard to beat.
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  6. Surely understood. That was just in-head pondering. I do BrassNwood's method when I have a small amount of material. If I have a lot I would go with FECO/RSO
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  7. [​IMG]

    I make up a mess of single drop capsules for new users and let them find their own happy zone. Wait a full 2 hours before taking another drop. While slow and it may take all day the first time or two it's the safe way to dial in each persons dose to hit that happy place without going over. Trust me that to much is really no fun at all. We want her stoned but happy.

    To much edible is a long miserable experience and can put people off trying edibles ever again it's so intense. This is why we have them sneak up on the first few doses slowly to try and hit that sweet spot every time without going to far over.
    After a few tries they will come back and tell you " I need 4 drops for the day and 6 at night." and you make up some 4 and 6 drop capsules the next time.
    This is the approach I use each time I start a new user on edible oil capsules.

    If she is a really low dose user even 1 drop may be to much and in that case you'll thin the oil by 1/2 and see if she can tolerate that.

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  8. Very good info, thanks. I have my first edible story but you summed it up perfectly, lol.
    This above is strictly oil, correct? Not ground weed as well?
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