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Extra-horny on tolerance breaks?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Klao, Jan 29, 2010.

  1. #1 Klao, Jan 29, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2010
    I recently had to stop smoking ... there is a variety of reasons for this. I can no longer have weed nor paraphernalia in my home (I won't go into it -- just know it's not because of anything I did), so I knew I had to get used to having it a lot less, for one. Second, my tolerance had shot itself to the moon recently, and so my habit was becoming more expensive to maintain.

    Third, I just came to realize that I had to slow my usage down, a LOT. I can't be a daily smoker anymore -- it affects the way I live my life too much. I gain weight on the munchies, and I eventually reach a point at which I can almost not stand to eat unless I'm baked first. No bueno. I'm going to shoot for five smokes a week or less, once/if I start again.

    Anyway, that's neither here nor there .... I'm in the middle of this month-long (possibly longer) break, and I'm really noticing something different ..... I'M RANDY AS FUCK.

    This cropped up during my last major tolerance break, too, but I never really made the connection between that and the cessation of smoking. The fact that it's happening again leads me to wonder, though. Seriously, my mind has been like I was 13 again for the last few days (I'm in my mid-twenties now). I'd forgotten what it was like to be this much of a lecher. ;)

    As with last time, it took a good few days into my break (once the primary withdrawal symptoms of insomnia and lack of appetite faded -- when I say I smoked heavily, believe it) for the horniness to kick in, but once it did ... woooooooo.

    Has anyone else experienced this before?
  2. are you masturbating less?
  3. are you masturbating at all?
  4. #4 Prime8, Jan 29, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2010
    I haven't been smoking all that long yet (about 6 months) so I haven't had that much time yet to establish many patterns. Generally I buy an 1/8 or so whenever I can afford it, smoke nearly nonstop until it's gone, and then go two-three weeks until buying more.

    I did start to notice something a while back but like you didn't make the connection to the smoking. But just recently during my last few weeks off I was far hornier than I had been during other breaks and so it caught my attention for the first time, my sex drive has never been so high before, frick'n crazy. The longer it's gone on the more I started wondering about it. I still hadn't made any connection to smoking until I chanced upon this thread. It doesn't seem all that farfetched of an idea though now that I give it some thought.
  5. #5 Klao, Jan 29, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2010
    About the same amount, but only because that's all I ever had time for. No girlfriend at the moment. It's literally becoming a distraction at work, at this point.
  6. man im the opposite, i can't even get horny anymore if im not high.. probably cos sex is 50 times better stoned i guess so it just feels totally lame when sober
  7. I was like that when I was first getting clean, in the first few days. This only happens to me after an extended break, and that extended break happening after very heavy daily use.

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