Explaing a grow room to a home architect

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by azcactus, Aug 5, 2012.

  1. So let's pretend you got enough money for a new home. And you would esp. like to include dedicated area, say 12x8 so 96 sq ft t an indoor grow room. This room has a floor drain, a deep sink w/hot and cold water and it has its own electrical switch or two in the electrical box. Also is vented for exhaust and has a vent to bring in cool air.
    I know sounds like a dream. How would you explain all this to the architect and/or contractor? I mean do you think they call the police/sheriff w/e? I am just thinking how great it would be to have a dedicated space for something like that and know one really care.
  2. Few ideas i can think of....

    A workshop of some sort that you need ventilation? Maybe a restoration room where you restore and paint items?
    You could even say for indoor green room during winter months? suspicion could occur i know but they can fuck off. They're just building it and leaving

    I think i would be hard to accomplish but in all honesty if you have the money the architect and contractors shouldn't ask questions. They are there to complete something you have envisioned, they can either do it or find a new person to complete it.
  3. I would just make it sound like you are building a rough laundry room because a laundry room typically has all of those things except for an intake air vent. I am a contractor and in my experience, there is no need to tell them what you are doing with the space, just tell them what criteria you would like to have in the space. They are getting paid to put these features in for your use, not to design your grow room. If you tell a contractor that you want a 6" exhaust duct and a 6" intake duct, and he has a problem installing that without knowing what it is for, get a different contractor to do the work. There are plenty of guys out there that would be happy to be working and making money, they don't care what your doing. Be aware that there are many contractors out there that grow too and as much as you try to hide what you are doing, if they know about cultivation, they will have a pretty good idea what you are doing. So basically if they ask you why you want something a certain way, just tell them "thats how I want it" and leave it at that.
  4. People grow veggies indoor everywhere.You dont gotta explain why you want anything.They get paid to build what you want.If your that worried research some legal plants,and act like thats what your doin it for.

    Your just paranoid at this point IMO.No contractor is gonna say "Oh he must be growing pot".Even if they did they would never see what you do in there.Theres no proof.
  5. if the situation came around you could say it's for cleaning automotive parts (rebuilding Cars). A friend of mine does that and had to have exhaust because of the chemicals he uses.
  6. [quote name='"jmac420"']if the situation came around you could say it's for cleaning automotive parts (rebuilding Cars). A friend of mine does that and had to have exhaust because of the chemicals he uses.[/quote]

    I was just reading through the thread and I was thinking the exact thing.....you could even say that you race go karts or something like that and you need a place to work on it and you need the vents so the smell doesn't bother your family
  7. You pay me and I'll build it for you lol
  8. Most of the above answers are good ones. A typical shop has plumbing and venting and extra wiring for shop machines. Consider 220 for lower amerage etc, no one will question a thing.
  9. Don't piss off ur contractor tho, he's the only person that knows about ur secret grow chamber :smoke:
  10. #10 cheecha, Aug 5, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 5, 2012
    With today's economy and with the clown(s) running things, most if not all contractors could care less what the heck you're building..Like the other poster stated 'you pay I build'..preferably cash, thank you very much!
    The OP's description sounds like a typical project IME..
  11. #11 SnyperSystems, Aug 5, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 5, 2012
    I'm pretty sure a laundry room would need a floor drain, high amp service, and ventilation, just say you might rent the floor out for more income and want provision for another washing room

    Or you could have them leave it wide open into the next area, and you could finish a room there once the contractors are out
  12. I'm a contractor and one of my cardinal rules is to respect the homeowner's privacy while they have me in their home, & I think most of us are the same way. It would be absolutely toxic to my business to get caught sticking my nose somewhere it didn't belong.
    That said, there's nothing about the your room that would set off any red flags. The vent is the one thing that might be a little unusual, but you already have some good suggestions about explaining that. Calling it a darkroom might be another. And if you're at all handy, you could cut a vent in yourself after the builders have gone away.
  13. I am a contractor, and carpenter, and have built many safe/hidden rooms in new homes. Usually marked as "secret room" or "bonus room" on the blue prints. Like tho OP said I think most of us respect our customers space, and privacy. And it's really none of the architects business what you do with the space. But I think the roughed in laundry room sounds like the best thing to say.
  14. no architect is going to call the police to say they designed/built a grow room for someone...unless YOU tell them it's a grow room...

    be creative if the architect bothers to ask...

    • laundry room
    • studio for painting/sculpting
    • it's where your wife reads '50 shapes of grey'...
  15. Laundry room is definitely a good call.
  16. I was a contractor for 25 years and being a contractor was about the money & about creating happy clients not about invading clients privacy.

    As for your problem, in a word... terrarium. Can be any size. I built one for some rich dot comers in San Mateo, Ca. & for all I know know that could be their grow room.
    Two walls were standard, two were glass.

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