Experiencing problems

Discussion in 'General Forum Feedback' started by Skunky Monkey, Oct 10, 2011.

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  1. OK so all the text has gone really small and there's no grass city community button that's usually opposite the grass city shop button.

    It's being kinda slow, is there anyway we can get the page bigger i can hardely read threads :p i'm guessing you guys are doing changes to the site and it's making it a bit glitchy :confused:

    Just wandering if it's just me experiencing problems :(

  2. Hello ,

    Which browser are you using ?
    We currently are not making any changes to site at all.

  3. I'm using google chrome, i have just cleared the cookies/cache and stuff and i'm still getting problems :confused:
  4. Is there a specific URL you're seeing this error or do you see it on all pages ?
  5. hmmm, yea Im not getting none of this....I'm using Opera.

  6. All pages on the forums not on the shop or any other website just the forums.
  7. #7 Fat Smoke, Oct 10, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 10, 2011
    Maybe you accidentally zoomed out? Press CTRL and +

    i'm using chrome and it's fine for me

    edit: just zoomed it out myself, and then clicked on the shop - zoom changes back to normal, but on community it's still zoomed - you must have accidentally clicked something
  8. Im using mozilla on my macbook and its fine....

    Maybe a quick lil computer restart might help skunky? or try a different browser?
  9. I'm such a pot head...:laughing: Yes..this was the case :p Thanks for the help, i only thought it was a problem because i couldn't see the grass city community tab that's usually next to the grass city shop tab and it was running very slow so i just assumed it was a glitch.

    All sorted though :)
  10. As soon as I saw your picture I knew what the problem was.:p

    Reproduced it for ya :poke:

  11. Well if I didn't know better, I would suspect that Skunky Monkey could be high on pot!?!?!?!?!:laughing: :eek: :hello: :D:yay: :metal: :bongin: :hippie::smoke::smoking:

  12. "I has reason to believe..you has ingested a critical amount of marijuana." says internet police cat

    "Urr no no sir i'm just seeing small letters that's all" says high monkey

    "Hmm :devious:" says internet police cat:D :smoke:
  13. Lol, pretty common problem. I've done the same thing myself, and I know at least a couple other people on here who have as well. :p

    Glad you got it figured out! :D
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