Yesterday, our favourite epileptic was arrested. Nothing serious. They turn up while he's doing some repairs to the camp's kitchen. He asks them if he might put the tools up before they cuff him, and as he does, gently slips the bud from his pocket and stashes it with them. I catch up with him handcuffed to a bench, waiting to see a judge. For some reason he still has his cell phone and we exchange a few messages. A little later he goes before the judge (he'll have to fill in the gaps here) and gets sent to jail with a bond of $5000, and the need to pay $500 to get out now. Of course he can't pay that so off to jail he goes. I can't say how long the system will look after him. Will let you know unless he does.
Damn, hope all works out well for him. And, esseff, good job of putting his business out there like that...
Well, I feel he would've wanted you guys to know. I wanted you to know. This is also his home in many ways. And he'll talk about it himself once he gets back here. Just setting the scene so to speak.
Besides, I imagine this might be quite a philosophical debate once it gets going. You see, I happen to feel like the experience, while hopefully not too long, will be real in a way that could easily change things. It's not the crime of the century of course, so it might just be a night or two until he gets out. I like how he had the presence of mind to slip that bud out so smooth the cops never knew a thing.
On the surface, things appear as they appear, but it's only after we experience them, and we look back and see that where we were, who we met, what happened, occurred because we were there. This is what I see in an experience like this. While he might reveal things here, he might not, doesn't matter. He's been released and is on his way home. I know I've been in a number of situations, where at the time they were as they were, but afterwards, as I looked over the circumstances that led me there, what happened and with whom, sometimes I find connections that weren't obvious at the time. These connections make sense to me, and give me a feeling of interconnectedness that seems very real. Have you ever been involved in something that at the time seemed to be one thing, one reason, but then revealed itself to be something else later?
[quote name="esseff" post="19358482" timestamp="1389981187"]On the surface, things appear as they appear, but it's only after we experience them, and we look back and see that where we were, who we met, what happened, occurred because we were there. This is what I see in an experience like this. While he might reveal things here, he might not, doesn't matter. He's been released and is on his way home.I know I've been in a number of situations, where at the time they were as they were, but afterwards, as I looked over the circumstances that led me there, what happened and with whom, sometimes I find connections that weren't obvious at the time. These connections make sense to me, and give me a feeling of interconnectedness that seems very real.Have you ever been involved in something that at the time seemed to be one thing, one reason, but then revealed itself to be something else later?[/quote]Hey man, your second to last paragraph would tie into gettier problem.. if you have access to academic search complete look up linda zagzegskis (spelling?) Paper "the inescapability of the gettier problem(s)"Sent from my DROID RAZR using Grasscity Forum mobile app
On the loose! Had some password issues last couple days.... but got back into almost everything... So i will start with thank you to those of you who offered concern.... Tho it was really just a little time out... Not my first time in jail... tho first time in this state... dealing with a different mentality here in ny than the good'ol Florida boys.... As for slipping the weed out of my pockets... it really was easier than esseff makes it sound... i was. Fixing a wall... had several tool/weapons in my pockets... razor knife... carpenter pencil (a portion of a seminar i once attended was a few hrs on how to kill someone with a samurai hair pin.... which resembles a chop stick... i know many ways to kill you with my pencil :-0 ) so the cop... who i had spoken to a few days prior concerning a friend... walks up asks if i remember him... tells me he has a bulshit warrant.. that they are sorry... don't understand why they are even picking me up for it... "criminal contempt" bla bla bla.... ok... i tell listen i am working... let me put these tools in the shed before we go... get these tools and things i won't need out of my pockets... He stood right next to me as i slipped blunts and weed into the tool draw... right along with the rest of my shit.... only thing i took w me was my phone and id.... So off we go... after they apologize again.... To the troopers station... on the way... the one asks me if i do any drugs... i felt comfortable w them both... and how the conversation was going so far... so i ask him... "idk... is that something i can talk to you about" i liked the way he responded... so i told him that i try to eat more pot than i smoke.... and we discussed legalization the rest of the way to the station.... Of coarse... my positive experience with the officers... these and the rest i dealt w... reminded me what assholes most Fla cops are.... not all... just most.... Anyway... that's a start... now i am free... 2night's... 2 and a half days.... no big thing.... and after i got bail reduced... my buddy picked me up... rolling one in front of the gate they let you out of.... Of coarse there is more to the story... the rest of the people i met... things i was reminded of...
In may 2012 I spent 66 days on remand for growing weed. I was still posting on GC the day before I got raided. When I got out I vented on GC. Cheers "dirtydingusus" for the poem you posted back then. Hope alls well.
thanks again every one..... wish i knew where to look for that poem you mentioned ts? still more to the story ....i will try to do some typing tonight..
that sucks dd glad you're out...I did a week once and a few days here and there but nothing serious...still sucks regardless
I got that many replies the thread turned ugly. Idiot questions like did you get raped? WTF Im the boss around here Ended up deleting the thread.
Thanks tin.... i did two weeks when i was 17.... charged as an adult.... 3rd degree burglary... for talking a short cut thru the zoo in the middle of the night.... And i don't even remember how long a few years ago... may have been hrs... may have been days.... was during worst of the epilepsy so that shit is a mess in my memory...
Sorry to hear you got pulled in for bs like that. Are you guys in upstate NY? Just wondering where you were staying. I'm near the capital district area myself.
Catskills..... Sullivan county Thanks again everyone.... Seriously tho... it could have been worse.... The troopers said something about a new DA.... trying to flex some muscle or some bulshit.... Hell... i did worse time when i was 17.....