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experiences with hash oil?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by CosmicColossus, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. On the previous weekend i had the opportunity to try hash oil for the first time.
    After one hit of a bottle i had a buzz. Although after taking some more i felt pretty stoned also had a fair body buzz. I found though that it did not last nearly as long as normal bud does.
  2. nah its good to mix with bud i find, but thats just me. Maybe i dont get the greatest oil but normal oil doobs dont get me as high as id like.. but when you mix them with bud they give you some kind of body buzz its awesome

  3. How do you mix it with bud? just grind the bud put it in bong or pipe and put a drop of oil on top?
  4. What do you mean one hit of a bottle? Do you have the glycerin spray?

    When you say hash oil people are going to think like QWISO, BHO, CO2
  5. usually roll jays and smear the oil on the paper just make sure not to waste any :p then roll it up with the sticky all up in your J.

    you could drop some oil on your bong tokes too though that would be awesome.

  6. by bottle i mean. A big glass bottle of coke with a hole in the side that you put a cig with a drop of oil into for a bit than u pull it out after the bottle is filled with smoke.

    As for the oil i have no idea. It was black and in a small glass pill bottle.

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