Hi All! I’m starting this thread because as my home state of MN just legalized it and many more to follow, I know there will be alot of new growers out there looking for help. This thread is for those new growers who are looking for help and for those top notch grade A experienced growers who can offer valuable advice and consulting. Its not for the mid grower to offer up unverified information. As a new grower 14 years ago, I wished I had a knowledgeable mentor to give me good advice. That would have saved me a whole lot of headache, internet searching, time and money. I would have also gotten much better yields and quality right off the bat. As a CO resident, a horticulture major, and a commercial grower, I understand the need for accurate information, good communication, and first principle thinking. This is the place to get free and reliable advice from people with in depth knowledge and experience. I am hoping to attract like minded growers for intelligent conversations and real solutions for the newbies out there.
There are many experienced growers here, who have compiled many, many threads with all the info and techniques any new grower could want.
Hey, I know, I really appreciate the experienced growers on here and the amount of knowledge in the threads. However, reliable information can still be hard to find and takes a lot of searching sometimes. The thread I made is for growers to come on to ask questions and get it handled right away from a trusted source. No need to search the threads for specific issues. I personally didn’t like that when I was learning myself, so just trying help in a way that I would have liked back in the day.
No worries man, just trying to give back. You didn’t bother to find anything out about me or ask me any questions, so why would you trust me? Much love
No worries man, just trying to give back. You didn’t bother to find anything out about me or ask me any questions, so why would you trust me? Much love
Fully right! It autocorrected my spelling and I didn’t catch it. I’m new to the forums as a contributor, so just getting a feel for things. Thanks!
hi @Comnconnection welcome to GC. edit, sometimes I just get high and grow weed and I like growing weed. Maybe start a journal and meet some people and then hopefully talk about weed related stuff.
Isn't that what the 'first time growers' forum is anyways? We come in, ask our questions, the more experienced help us along as best they can.. I don't really care how much experience u have as long as its helpful advice..you could be growing 30 years for all I care but if ur info isn't helpful towards my question in general then ill take the advice of someone who only read it in a book if it helps my grow..lol
I have done a few indoor grows like a couple decades ago, but since then I've pretty much kept it outdoors. After about a dozen or so grows, I'd like to think I'm experienced, but I get punched in the face and learn something new each year. LOL. I sure have learned a ton on this site and hopefully I've helped a person or two along the way as well. Peace
Thanks for the feedback, totally agree. I was just making something I would have wanted when I started, which is a thread I can consistently go too to ask the same small group of growers for advice. When I would just post question's looking for help in the forums, I would get a bunch of responses not knowing who to count on and often followed bad advice. Idk man, just trying to help. But I do see your point.
Hey, yeah so true. Always learning new things and trying to grow as a person right along side with the plants. Plants are meant to be in the sun, lol. I think helping others is what it’s all about. Much love
Here's a random quick tip. I've been meaning to post it somewhere, this works for me. My easy way to do LST, low stress training. I use snips to cut metal clothes hangers or stiff wire into various length J shaped pieces. I then use those to tuck the tips of the plants under to promote side growth. Works like a charm and much easier/quicker than stakes and tie straps or other methods I've seen. Easy to place and adjust height without damaging the plants. Stick the straight end in and tuck the growing tip under the bent tip. Quick easy and reusable.
No, u are 100% correct! I dunno how long uve actually been on grasscity but thats exactly how this 'first time growers' forum is, u won't be here long before ull know who's who and who will u give u true and trusted advice EVERY TIME! I think ur gonna fit in here just fine! I'm sure I'll have more questions coming up soon..lmao..ill take any new ideas!
Welcome the GC. I’m in CO too, Pikes Peak area. Looking forward to seeing you around the grow forums. Don’t let anyone get under your skin. Lots of ideas here, some are questionable.