experience of time with regard to being young and little

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by livingsoul, Aug 3, 2010.

  1. time feels longer when we are young and little

    - we are more 'lit' / we feel more thus our experience has greater detailed continuity thus such experience seems to be 'longer'

    - we have experienced less thus we are more concentrated upon our active experience allowing it to be more concentrated and thus seem longer

    - we recall and 're-experience' our experience from when we were young and little throughout our existence resulting with us accruing more feeling energy and duration toward such experience resulting with the experience seeming 'longer'
  2. We also have a tendency to exaggerate the past.
  3. I think such is what I was attempting to convey to some extent with 're-experience'
    by imagining an experience we are perhaps attempting to recreate the experience
  4. time is a reference point
    an experiences can feel like a lifetime, but days will pass and weeks will disappear
  5. #6 livingsoul, Aug 3, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 3, 2010

    where on the thread you posted does it state any of the details about what I posted
    the thread you linked at your post states - a situation does occur
    the thread I posted states - a similar situation actually occurs
    I also posted on the other thread stating I wanted to make a thread about this at a previous duration
    now I did

    I posted from an emperical / experience based perspective
    the other thread posted from a statistical perspective

    I probably disagree with 'logtime'
    the site did other than interest me much or make much sense to me
    the site I think tends to go with the idea - youth is other than recoverable and / or you cant regain a more full temporal experience
    I believe youth is recoverable
    I believe we can regain a more full temporal experience

    we can at least restore some of our youth and regain a more full temporal experience by
    - enhancing our feeling
    - controlling / gaining control of our experience ('past' 'present' 'future')

    smoking / vaping / eating marijuana enhances feeling / is one way to enhance feeling
    writing is one way to control / gain control of our experience

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