
Discussion in 'General' started by roach, Dec 8, 2001.

  1. That was a shameless ploy to get your attention.
    A good friend of mine from Amsterdam is going public with his own strain ,NorthernLights/OrangeBud.(mostly indica)

    If interested Email ,Barry Germans ,for prices and instructions. Tell him 'roach' sent you. His Email is........


    This has been an unsolicited/uncompensated and blatant advertisment ,provided (for those in need) by............
  2. Well.........Ok.......

    Opps ........So sorry Amanita.........that picture link got busted..............was supposed to look like the one below.....
  3. Like this (if it works this time):)

    Attached Files:

  4. hahahaha that looks like the evilest santa i have ever seen, except for the fat joint in his mouth!
  5. would you love this to be your relative?

    Attached Files:

  6. yes

    THAT WAS MY 100th POST!!!! gawddamnit! i wanted to make 100 a special one, and if not, 101 was going to be the special one... and now i've wasted both! 100 = I said "yes" and 101 = I complained about how i had only said "yes" and wasted my 100th post. ever since my 83rd post i've been waiting for 100 and i was gonna make it an excellent one... oh well. I guess my only compensation is that my favourite band were called "yes"... ho-hum :)


    ps. was that weird?
  8. sorry to hear your to stoned to remeber but if i could i'd send you one of these!

    Attached Files:

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