If you've been texting for a while and you kinda just don't feel like talking anymore, what do you usually say to end it haha?
I usually say "I'm tired I'm gonna go to bed". To the people that just stop replying.. fuck you. I hate that. At least say bye or something
I generally just stop replying.. but that seems to be what everyone does so i never feel rude about it.
[quote name='"Danonymous"']Text a picture of your penis and then stop replying[/quote] You reminded me of something I did a couple weeks ago. I was trying to get this girl to send me some nude pics. She said "you first" so I sent a pic of my nut sack along with "the balls are in your court now" It didn't work but she thought it was funny...
I feel like just not replying is kinda dick-ish..? Especially if you're like having an actual convo haha
"im off to masturbate" She could reply positively, with something like "me too! x" Or negatively "OMG, WHAT!?" to which you then reply "dont worry im finished now....what were we talking about?" Win/win.
The awesome thing about text messaging is that it's used as a way to get a hold of a person when they are next available. If you receive a text that doesn't mean you need to read it right away, or answer right away. If you're done with a conversation just slow down on the replies and or stop replying. That's what texting was meant for anyway, not a constant conversation, there's the telephone for that.
Iphone and Blackberry beg to differ.... fuckin creepy to have something that lets you know they read your message..