Alright blades ive got a problem. My dad came into my room last night because I was superglueing my bong and he must have heard me putting it away in my closet. Being that im only a senior in high school it was a school night for me. thats the reason why he came into my room at such a late hour (around 2-230). Anyways, as soon as I heard him get out of his bed I knew he herd me. at the time I was in the process of putting my bong in my closet so I stuffed that shit as far in as possible. Unfortunately, my downstem was sitting in the middle of my room right on the floor. So I quickly grabed that shit threw it under my bed and hopped in my bed and pretended to sleep. My dad came in walked straight into my closest and said it smells in here. I was pretending I was sleeping so I was like what? Why are you in my room I have practice at 530. He was like your smoking again and started throwing my shit everywhere looking for paraphernalia. Idk I guess god was on my side because he didnt find my bong nor my downstem but as soon as he walked out he said its alright ill just test you (I invested in synthetic piss hahah). I knew for a fact that when I left for practice and school later that day he was going to search my hole room for shit. So I ditched my kush (only had like .5 left) and threw my lighter clear eyes, rohtos and rolling papers in my backpack. Since my dad drives me to school I had no idea what I was going to do with my bong. What I ended up doing is I put it downstairs under my couch at night and when my dad was takeing me to school I got in his car he started backing up and I was like wait I forgot my wallet. I went inside took my bong and hid it in the spot in my back yard. Clutch as fuck. The one motherfucking thing I forgot to do is when I was cleaning my room I came across some dryer sheets and put them in my pocket. When I was changing I totally forgot about them and left them in my swetpants that I was wearing. When I got home that day from school he was like you were smokeing I found this in your pocket. So fuck me im so pissed I forgot a stupied dryer sheet. So what would you guys tell your parents if they caught you smokeing weed before and found a dryer sheet in your pocket? And please no one comment you should respect your parents house if they dont want you smoking then you should follow their rules. All of those comments are irrelevant and will start unnecessary conflicts. Sent from my SPH-L720 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Do you do....laundry? Dryer sheets are a pretty inconspicuous item But based on everything else, they probably know. Why bother lying? They know dude. Lying just makes you look dishonest.
What? You know how many fucking times I've been out and had a dryer sheet in my pant leg, or shirt, or fucking underwear? Tell him it was hanging out of your pants so you stuffed it. Then tell him that if you want to smoke you will. And that if he had half a brain he'd shut the fuck up before you take him out.....JK, don't say that.
I use dryer sheets to get the static out of my jeans and basketball shorts. Just tell him that. I ran into the same problem and just ran with that excuse. Or you could have a talk with him and see what his deal is about you smoking. Sent from my EVO using Grasscity Forum mobile app
No I dont do the laundry so I honestly dont even know what their for I just know their good for wipeing on your clothes so you dont smell like weed. Id assume that you put them in the the dryer so your clothes smell good? To @[member="nascarfan"] my parents have sent me to a drug and alcohol class before mostly cuz I blew a .194 at homecoming but still im not looking forward to going back their. @[member="ThatWeedFiend"] that seems like a pretty fucking legit idea but my dads sleeping right now so ill update tomorrow. @I am neo you made me lol. Sent from my SPH-L720 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
How many dryer sheets are we talking? If it's just one... okay, sure. If you're talking enough for a sploof, just tell the truth.
[quote name="Grade a kush" post="19395818" timestamp="1390536011"]No I dont do the laundry so I honestly dont even know what their for I just know their good for wipeing on your clothes so you dont smell like weed. Id assume that you put them in the the dryer so your clothes smell good? To @[member="nascarfan"] my parents have sent me to a drug and alcohol class before mostly cuz I blew a .194 at homecoming but still im not looking forward to going back their. @[member="ThatWeedFiend"] that seems like a pretty fucking legit idea but my dads sleeping right now so ill update tomorrow. @I am neo you made me lol. Sent from my SPH-L720 using Grasscity Forum mobile app[/quote]So your parents put you in an alcohol drug class instead of talking to you about why you got fucked up (homecoming, duh)?? And your dad is simply dismissing anything you say by saying 'don't worry I'll test you anyway'. Sounds like a serious lack of trust on their part or....they're just straight laced and overbearing as fuck, keep your head low man.Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
@[member="Pot Toker"] alright grammar nazi I think everyone else got the the idea I was trying to come across. Superglue**** god damn.@[member="Some Asian Toker"] it was just one. @[member="teddykgb"] I forgot to mention that it was required to go to alcohol class for getting caught but since ive gotten caught with weed prior to that event they decided to take me to the drug and alcohol class. Sent from my SPH-L720 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
And yeah teddykgb my parents dont trust me at all. First time I got caught was summer going into freshman year in hs. Every time I get grounded for 2 weeks get threated to change schools or rehab or some bullshit. But honestly fuck them I have a 3.2 gpa and in 2 variety sports GET OFF MY ASS and let me be a god damn teenager Sent from my SPH-L720 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
I think hed have a hard time believing me on that one. Hence I have a box of Kleenex right next to my bed haha. Sent from my SPH-L720 using Grasscity Forum mobile app