It all started about a week ago, right in the midst of exam week. Uncontrollable, and unsatisfactory yawns and deep gulps of air started interfering with my day, and it got progressively worse and worse to the point where anywhere between every 30 seconds to a few minutes I HAD to yawn or take a very deep breath to function normally. Most of the time it didn't like I had enough oxygen to cope with myself, and that 'ahh' feeling of finally satisfying my body with enough air comes once in a blue moon. I used to have the exact same problem around 6 years ago, and it went away after 6-8 months, not too sure my memory is a little hazy. Talked to doctors at the time, and they suggested getting more exercise and managing my diet, as well as getting sufficient sleep(8-10 hours daily). I met all of those needs just fine, yet the problem continued until somehow it disappeared. Now, as it was so long ago that I first encountered this, I'm not exactly sure of what triggered it, or why and when I would have periods when the yearning for this extra oxygen stopped temporarily. From what I experience now, I can definietely say that exercise, particularly anything with cardio rids of this problem whilst I'm engaged in it, but as soon as I stop to take a breather, it immediately comes back. When I'm socializing, be it with family, friends, anyone really, it also goes away for good until I stop talking. Eating and drinking also get rid of the problem. It happens most when I'm keeping quiet, doing things such as watching tv, browsing forums (like now XD), I guess generally doing nothing stimulating. ALso I think it's worth mentioning that talking over vent(ventrillo) makes the urge cease. Video games also have a similar effect. I know this thread is all over the place and I apologize for not keeping it chronological, although I'm writing whatever comes to mind right now regarding whatever you could call this oxygen deprivation thing. Even as I sit here typing, there is noticeable improvement and the yawning has completely stopped and I only need a deep breath every 2 minutes or so, not very major ones either. So guys/gals, what am I to call this strange condition, and what am I to do about it? Can anyone at all relate? Oh and as I said, the effect increase when I'm doing nothing, so sitting on my bed, waiting on people, etc... I havn't exactly observed what ganja alters, or if it alters anything at all. Yesterday though, a couple of friends and myself sparked a j and throughout the whole day, I do not recall that any of the mentioned things happened. That's all I got on my mind so far. It would be fantastic if any of you users could provide some insight about what on earth this could possibly mean. **EDIT: I have no idea why it went away the first time, if I had the slightest idea I'd love to share, it's just that this condition is completely unexpected and I have no idea what to make of it. Perhaps I'll repost in the afternoon, it's 3 am here ** Again edit: Being under the influence def solves the problem
hey there, I don't think it's really anything you should worry about. I find this happening to myself every once and awhile as well and I think it's just compensating for a slower respiratory rate. A regular toker myself, I yawn a lot when I'm doing unfocused tasks like browsing the web or watching tv. I always attributed it to my body just being regularly mellowed out and my breathing therefore being slower/more infrequent. I mountain bike quite often in addition to working out though and my symptoms then are pretty similar, excessive cardio eliminates the problem because your body's metabolic and respiratory rate picks up and you don't need to gulp in any excess air to compensate. After working out or doing cardio I don't really yawn until I find myself swimming out to the reef again .. TL,DR: anyways forthelulz, I think you have nothing to worry about, it's just a side effect of smoking and being extremely relaxed. working out and bringing your heart rate and respiratory rate is my only recommendation, that or controlled breathing exercises.. hope it helps, don't fear the yawn!
Thanks for the reply. As far as I understand from your post, you've become quite accustomed to it happenning every now and then, so it doesn't worry you and you accept that it's just how you were born and how you interacted with your environment. However, this is only the second time ever that this happened to me after an interval of 6 years, so i hope you understand my concern. It seems that for you it has been smoking and chilling out that calls these symptoms up, but 6 years ago I was already a pretty chill guy, and I only started smoking about a year ago, not in very large quantities either to affect respiratory function at all. I don't suppose my small one month affair with cigarettes has done any significant damage either, but I still reckon it a possibility. For now all I can do is wait... Edit: I see it's your first post. Congrats on joining the city if I do say so myself, i recently joined too
it's a state of mind, yawning is instinct (maybe not the right word) babies do it. you just need to forget about it
I've had that problem for a long time as well. I don't think it's anything to worry about. The only bad thing is that unsatisfactory yawns are so... unsatisfactory.
i get the exact same thing OP. constant yearn to take a deep breath or yawn, and only being satisfied by them like 1/10 of the time. i told the doctor and he didn't seem to concerned though, just said to get more cardio exercise.
I hate this shit. I feel like I'm not getting the adequate amount of air into my lungs, so then i yawn. Sometimes I get this for no reason, but sometimes it's because of anxiety.