examining trichs witn binoculars?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by wdissident, Oct 6, 2010.

  1. examining trichs with binoculars? i dont have a jewelers loupe and radio shack doesn't have that magnifying glass thing. can i use binoculars backwards?

  2. lol, probably. ill have to try it and see if it works.
  3. it doesnt.

    i just tried it
  4. what % magnification do you need minimum i can get ahold of a 10x but i heard you need more like 25x-40
  5. 30x minimum I use a 60x cause I likes to get in there deep [​IMG] ebay man for under 20 greenbacks
  6. Binoculars backwards make everything look small.

    Binoculars facing the right way magnify, but are focused out to infinity so can't be used for macro close-up.

    About 25x is the minimum for getting a good look at the trichs.

    You can jeweler's loupes on ebay cheap.
  7. I have a bunch of tools for viewing trichomes. My favorite method is to screw macro filters onto the end of my camera lens. I can get a much better view from a static macro shot than I can with those cheap hand held scopes. I also like my desktop stereo microscope. The only problem with the scope is that a sample bud must be cut and placed on the viewing plate.

    I haven't used one yet, but my buddy really likes those USB scopes.

    But if you have an SLR camera, the magnification filters are only around $30.
  8. Try the eyepiece from the binoc's.:D
  9. old ass thread.. but how are there so many people wrong in this thread?

    i just tried this and it does indeed magnify things (extremely well) when the object you're looking at is an inch or less away from the lens with a good light source.

    it's perfect for this application
  10. You can see the color clearly? The little microscopes are garbage
  11. yeah man i got a pretty basic set of binoculars .. Tasco 10x25 .. I turned them backwards, leaned the LED light from my camera phone up against the binoculars and looked at my mouse pad.. i can see all of the individual fibers and then see smaller fibers inside the fibers.. i looked at a crumb that was no bigger than an ant's head and i could see all kinds of detail .. it's literally awesome. i was about to buy a microscope, came across a couple threads, tried it, came across this one and was like "wtf... it works..?"
  12. the key is a good light source, and keeping the lens less than an inch away from the object you're trying to view.
  13. something like this...

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