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EXACT breakdown temps ofCannabinoids?

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by bob the bro, Mar 23, 2013.

  1. I recently purchased a good scientific therometer for making cannabutter and cannaoil. What are the EXACT breakdown temps of THC, CBD, CBN, and all the other good stuff? I failed last time at making cannaoil and want to make killer stuff this time.
  2. At 21C (70F) the most volatile terpenoids start to evaporate, lending a pungent odor to the air.

    At 31C (87F) the less volatile terpenoids start to evaporate, lending the air even more pungent odors.

    At 39C (102F ) vir tually all of the terpenoids undergo evaporation fairly rapidly.

    At 50C (122F) THC-Acid decarboxylates as the water molecule held in the carbonate form evaporates. This activates the THC.

    At 66C (150F) Cannabidiol (CBD) melts and starts to evaporate.

    At 185C (365F) Cannibinol (CBN) boils.

    At 200C (392F) THC boils. Clear vapor from a vaporizer.
    source THC breakdown temp??
  3. Nice post :) Makes sense why BHO heated the float pan water to 160* for part of the extraction. CBD :smoking:
  4. One question about this, CBD evaporates at 150*, if it is in butter, is that a good thing? I mean does it evaporated into the brownie mix? Or do actives evaporate out into the stove and lost?

    I made butter with a nice induction cooktop with an LED display showing temperature. Directions showed put it to medium to melt the butter, stir in flower, reduce and simmer on low. Low is 100*F on it, I ended up medium low for 175*F.

    The brownies have absolutely no high, but I have a different perception of things, notice little things I never did before, etc. Did I extract only CBD but not THC? It was AK48 trim, sativa Dom. So I doubt it had high levels of CBD.

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