Ex-DEA agent jumps jobs to join marijuana investment firm

Discussion in 'Politics' started by katsung47, Jan 21, 2014.

    Isn't that too easy to change his belief?

  2. After over a decade of enforcing violence and oppression he has the nerve to just turn coat and think it is all cool? I hope he gets shunned and losses it all.
  3. I'm wondering if he's hiring
    Amen, fuck that bastard with a stick.
  5. #5 9xKitsun3, Jan 21, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 21, 2014
    comparing meth and heroin to pot ?
    .... interesting
  6. Well I'd rather they were working with us than against us, as shitty as they may be.
  7. I met some asshat who worked at a smoke shop that was spewing the same shit.

    I asked him of he seriously thought that amphetamines, opiates and cannabinoids were all the same.

    He got mad at me and said that I was being a smart ass.
  8. If you can't beat em? (literally beat them) join them!
  9. I would rather he be shunned by both sides and wind up homeless or flipping burgers.
    Maybe it's just me but I can't forgive someone who willingly spent a large chunk of his life profiting off the pain and suffering of innocent people. I hope he gets what he deserves.
  10. Sounds shady honestly...more likely he's trying to infiltrate or he could of finally realized he was working for the true criminals iPhone using Grasscity app
  11. Lol if that what that dude looks like then he def looks like a fit in a marijuana based job then as a dea agent. Besides he prob stands to make more from his new job that's why he quit. Iono I didn't read the article lol. Sent from....... wouldn't you like to know. Probably your mamas house.
  12. [quote name="JohnnyWeedSeed" post="19380372" timestamp="1390322906"]I would rather he be shunned by both sides and wind up homeless or flipping burgers.Maybe it's just me but I can't forgive someone who willingly spent a large chunk of his life profiting off the pain and suffering of innocent people. I hope he gets what he deserves.[/quote]you act like DEA busts low level consumers....
  13. No, they just go after the violent criminals that run medical dispensaries. Who do they think they are? Trying to cure cancer and shit.
  14. [quote name="JohnnyWeedSeed" post="19380663" timestamp="1390327022"]No, they just go after the violent criminals that run medical dispensaries. Who do they think they are? Trying to cure cancer and shit.[/quote] you want some cheese with that whineSent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  15. You support the DEA? Raiding legal businesses?
  16. I see where you're coming from, however would you rather he was still profiting off the pain and suffering of innocent people? I personally would take my money to businesses ran by those who have been part of the legalisation movement, partly because they deserve to reap the success and profit, whilst they would be more likely to care about the product and customer service.
  17. Proof that these "Dedicated" Agents are nothing more than greedy fucking bastards. They'd sell out their own Country for money if offered a chance. You know why Cartel's are rampant in America? These guys, he was probably on the take from them the whole fucking time.
  18. Shit, this guy is funny. Thanks for sharing buddy, you really told him. 
    Your going to fit in well here.
  19. Drug trading is a profitable business. The Feds harvest a fat profit on it. They won't give it up even it is legal now.

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