
Discussion in 'Science and Nature' started by CheechMarley420, Dec 12, 2008.

  1. I try and talk to my friends about this, but they are irrational as FUCK

    But ok
    Evolution - Dogs evolve into other dogs, am i right?
    Horses evolve into other horses, am i right?
    So the way i see it, humans evolved into more advanced humans
    Not from monkeys
  2. dogs evolved from smaller mammals, adapting to their environment. Horses evolved from donkeys and such.. donkeys evolved from animals like caribou. etc. etc. They evolve from similar animals, but with mutations - which turn out to be favorable to their survival. Because they have a leg up on the competition, this new mutated specie flourishes, spreading the "defect" faster than would be possible by the previous generation.

    Dogs evolve from foxes and such and grow larger to kill larger game, or smaller to conserve energy.

    Horses mutate and randomly have larger legs, allowing them to run faster and avoid predation. This lets this new mutated specie survive better than its competition, allowing it to spread and multiply, etc.

    Once you know how evolution actually works, it makes MUCH more sense than any other theory.
  3. I do know some about evolution and yes it does make alot of sense

    But if animals would evolve to adapt to their environment, and if we all evolved from one thing, then why are the rainforests filled with many kinds of animals, not just one
  4. #4 sikander, Dec 12, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 12, 2008
    Because, just like in human society, there are many different niches to fill in any ecology. Our society couldn't be as complex as it is if everybody just did the same thing, so we have lumberjacks who specialize in cutting trees, mill workers who specialize in making trees into smaller, more manageable bits of wood and carpenters who specialize in taking that wood and making things from it, and thousands more specialties.

    Spiders get by eating random shit they can catch. Bugs eat plant matter, plant matter metabolizes sunlight and nutrients in the soil, and bats fly around eating bugs. Meanwhile you have your predators who get by eating bugs and spiders and bats. One thing evolves into another because changing circumstances demand they fill a different ecological niche. Humans and chimpanzees shared a common ancestor doing something kinda chimpy and kinda human, and then one population went off and found somewhere else where it paid to do things a little more humanly and another group went off and did things a little more chimpily and the rest is history.
  5. If you look at chimpanzee genetics we share about 90% or more of our DNA with them so yes, I do believe humans evolved from apes. You are correct that modern Homo Sapiens evolved from cruder humanoids, but those evolved from advanced apes and so on.
  6. one population went off and found somewhere else where it paid to do things a little more humanly and another group went off and did things a little more chimpily and the rest is history.

    LOVIN IT !!!!! CHIMPILY !!
  7. We just want to have the answers to our own questions.

    Human instinct - luckily other animals seem to lack it.
  8. while what you say is completely true their are things that are not adressed by the theory and things that, following the logic behind the theory that you correctly outlined above, shouldn't exist but do. what i mean by this is evolution works one mutation at a time most of these are horribly disfuntional(a human born with one arm for example) but every now and then they help( a person with four arms or whatever you get the point) and the new mutation if successful enough then takes off and eventually replaces the old one (in that area at least). ill use bird wings as an example. the way birds shoulders and wings move and function now is several steps removed from their reptilian ancestors and we have found no links between the two showing this specific change happenig ramdomly step by step as it should by the theory. whats more even if such linking creatures existed each individual mutation would be a disadvantage so the organism would die off without passing on the trait, only all of these differences (feathers, smaller size, shoulder rotation, ect...)together are advantages, individually they are weaknesses.
    that is but one example their are more(humans for instance). i believe in evolution but i also believe for the world to exist as it is today a higher power must intervien now and then to add some intelligent design. call it god( i do) or whatever you want but it either exists or you better figure out a theory that is consistant and explains everything.

    wow thats long sorry:)
  9. It isn't exactly mutation that generates change. Some of it comes from meiosis. Mutation generally leads only to genetic defects. It isn't like a reptile suddenly mutated into a warm blooded animal. Evolution comes from a genetic trait - say the ability for a gazelle to run very quickly, quickly enough to outrun predators, natural selection tends to kill off all of the slower gazelles, because they are eaten by the faster predators. You then see a generation of faster gazelles, these small changes take place over vast periods of time, and result in genetic incompatability with the original model, which yields a new species.
  10. Evolution theorists hide behind their definition of random. Tell me how these RANDOM mutations work then.

    We must be talking about species that lived for a long time sustainably. Humans sure don't seem to be in that tradition. We'd be lucky to live a hundred more years.
  11. Yeah humans have been around a very paltry 40000 years. And look what we've done with the place.
  12. In that case, I'd make the argument that if humans are natural (which they are according to evolutionary theory), we'll have to evolve in our hearts and minds - consciously. Perhaps other species did the same?!

    [NO!!! That's too hard to bear...]
  13. #13 PastyWhitey, Dec 12, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 12, 2008
    I am so tired of hearing that Humans evolved from Monkeys.

    Humans and Monkeys evolved from a common Ape-like ancestor.

    Evolution is simply a product of Adaptation, not genetic mutation.

  14. Surely it's not too hard! Conciousness is indicative of the human condition, that is, being more evolved in the realms of thought, namely philosophy, theology, and our ability to theorize. There is much evidence to the evolution of our hearts and minds, quantified by the schools of thoughts that were created, in part, to better ourselves as humans, amigos, and fellow inhabitants of this great planet. It would, IMO, make sense that other species have done the same, albeit through different, more primal methods, such as "enviromental homeostasis" amongst mammals with shorter gestation periods, knowing how much food and shelter can be provided to there immediate group.

    Or do you think that something such as that could be a concious awareness, rather than a survival mechanism?

    BTW, I like your sig!
  15. I'm tired of people thinking this has all been proven beyond any doubt.

    Anyways, the theories I am familiar with say the order went aboreal proto-primates to early prosimians, and then there is a huge gap where it is thought that monkeys evolved from later prosimians, and apes eventually evolved from monkeys, humans from apes.

    Aren't monkeys the first of the anthropoidea suborder?

    Unless I am wrong :smoking:
  16. I don't necessarily assume a difference between the two. In fact, that you put them together in a sentence appears to indicate their interconnectedness.

    Thanks, by the way. :) Revolution made it.
  17. genetic mutations is adaptation (usually)

    anyways, people's genetic codes change through their lives anyways(very small changes, yet still changes) the only reason why it doesnt get passed on is because they usually arent changed in our sexual cells

  18. "Lucy in the sky with diamonds"

    Lucy is the first.

    Australopithecus man.
  19. Well, we have a harder task in front of us seeing as we have more defined self-consciousness and a lot more brainpower.

    Also, mutation is not a significant driver of evolution. Meiosis is a better name for what you are trying to describe.

    Also to clear up something people generally don't know about: People claim Evolution is a "theory" not a "law." In the scientific world, they hold the same amount of truth value, it is just that a theory is something expressed verbally, and a law is something expressed in a numeric equation.

  20. Okay, but it still went monkeys>>apes>>Lucy

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