
Discussion in 'Science and Nature' started by VisionOfGandhi, Feb 6, 2007.

  1. We supposevly evolved from apes right? Well if apes can evolve into what we know as humans, it makes me wonder if maybe all the other creatures in the world are still evolving and will one day be some other kind of master species like humans? Maybe all those mythical creatures werent as make believe as we thought.
  2. It's more correct to say that we _and_ the apes evolved from a common ancestor. We are not evolved from todays apes.

    And evolution do continue in all lifeforms today. Us included. That is not to say all lifeforms will become intelligent. Far from it. The tendency to grow more complex brains like in us humans, is by no means the apex of evolution, and one would be sadly mistaken if one look upon evolution in that manner.

    Our complex brains came as a result of filling a niche. A result of necessity, not some predestined master plan. Most other species are already quite comfortable in their niches, and won't need to evolve higher cognitive function. In fact, it would be very detrimental considering the limited energy budget most other species have available in their niche.

  3. I don't know, but hopefully it's not spiders *lol*
    They've evolved in some crazy ways those evil little bastards. I watch a lot of discovery channel and spiders have some crazy skills. I was particularly tramatized by the trap door spiders. They hide in a little hole with a trap door and when something comes close they pop out and pull it down into there little dungeon and the lid closes behind them *shaken in my boots*
    also, theres a kind of spider that makes a lasoo out of web and lasoos its prey. CREEPY!

    All I can say is 1) I'm so glad i'm not an insect 2) If we were the small ones and spiders were our size, we be fucked :eek:
  4. My family lives in Australia. Last time i was there I arrived at night and my sister showed me where I was sleeping and said, "Tomorrow, don't look out the window". Of course I did the following day and there was a spider about the size of my outsepread hand with a web that entirely covered the window. It's abdomen alone was over 2 inches across...shudder..........

  5. One of my mom's friends went to Australia a few years back and brought pictures back of giant spiders. Some of them look like they'd just laugh at you if you tried to stomp them dead.
  6. Zylark pretty much hit the ball out of the park on his response, but I'd just like to add something.

    "Maybe all those mythical creatures weren't as make believe as we thought" troubles me. First off, modern humans have only been around for several thousand years, and have been evolving for only 3 million.

    Life on this planet has only existed for as far back as 2.8 billion years (and we're talking prokaryotes and mounds of cyanobaceria). Thanks to geology and fossilization, we're able to construct a pretty good picture of the ecosystems of the past, and follow the evolution of more and more complicated life forms as they changed and adapted with our changing world.

    And I hate to burst your bubble, but a dragon fossil has never been found. Humans weren't even close to living with the dinosaurs (as depicted in the grossly unhistorical "Flinstones").

    Of course that's not to say humans have, or ever will find fossils of every species to ever grace the face of our primordial earth, but it tells me that logically it's VERY VERY VERY unlikely that these mythical creatures could have ever existed, much less be interpreted by humans into colorful myths and legends.

    Keep in mind that everyday, geologists, paleontologists and biologists are learning more and more about previous life on earth and how it adapted and how it's changed over time. Hell, we still haven't even reached a consensus about the K-T extinction.

    Just a fun little note in respect to the Geological timeline: If all of the history of the earth was represented as a full year (365 days), then all of humans civilization would have occurred from 12:00:59 - 12:01:00 on December 29th.

  7. :laughing: That is awesome.

    I still wish there were dragons though. It would have been cool.
  8. I wasnt trying to say that "mythical creatures" have existed but there is a chance they could come about. I guess i was just thinks about centaurs and the like. Maybe itll never happen but its kinda cool to think about.
  9. there are still species on the earth that we haven't discovered yet, so i say never say never.

    and there may not have been dragons - but who at would have thought there was ever dinosaurs - just as unlikely to me.
  10. Go deep under water and I'm sure you'll find all kinds of crazyness.

  11. Well said my man, + rep
  12. when evolution happens you always have different species evolving from the same species, almost like were trying to find which change is better, then the more suitable one kills off the other.  evo is cool
  13. that was awesome last night on Cosmos when Neil Tyson laid all that out...it blew my mind
    I enjoyed that Cosmos as much as Sagan's back in the day.  It was very well done.
  15. Holy cow, the internet existed in 2007???
  16. Its unlikely another inteligent life will evolve on earth. Humand already filled that role.

    Maby ape species seem close though so maybe

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  17. I hope we humans continue to evolve, we sure have a long way to go, imo....

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