Evil Iran's Drug Policy

Discussion in 'General' started by aaronman, Jun 28, 2008.

  1. Why haven't we started war yet? They are harboring terrorist drug users without arresting them!

    Iran Fights Scourge of Addiction

    “We don't want to fight addicts; we want to fight addiction. We need to manage addiction.”
  2. Sounds like a reasonable cause. It's not like they're forcing people to go to these rehab clinics.

    Iran does have sympathy, you know.
  3. I'm mocking the war-drum rhetoric of the candidates. They misquote Ahmadinejad all the time, and act like preventative war against a seemingly civil sovereignty is acceptable.
  4. AHAHAH u know hoW FUCKED up the world would be if we attacked Iran. Strait of Hormuz would be blocked off. BLOCKING off some of the biggest oil reserves left in the world. Also they have an actual military. Also they're allies with Russia, Sryia, and China. Start of WWIII? Very likely if we attacked.
  5. if we go to war with iran i will be fucking pissed

  6. Another reason to vote for Obama, or at least not vote McCain.

  7. America is not a white country, look around. :mad:
  8. Yeah, check this out: http://www.webehigh.com/city/detail.php?CITYID=2044

    Their pot laws are lighter than ours. Some axis of evil:rolleyes:

    God, I've been stressing for months about the prospect of going to war with Iran. Iraq, if nothing else, was already in shambles, but Iran? Even as inspiring as it is to see a country unafraid to raise the flag of recalcitrance in response to our imperialism, I almost wish they'd do something minor to appease the frothing dogs of war. I can't even imagine tossing bombs on such a beautiful country. :(
  9. QFT.

    For some reason, lately I've been researching Middle Eastern culture. I don't know what it is about it, but it seems so damn interesting. I'm even thinking about learning Farsi.

    It's a damn shame what war has done to the place.
  10. We are fighting the same war that our ancesters faught over a 1000 years ago, all of wealth and land.
  11. All right, gentlemen, let's build ourselves a timeline. These dates are all theoretical, as I pose very little knowledge when it comes to matters that require skill in premonition:

    August 2008: The United States blockades Iran.
    September 2008: War is declared on Iran.
    November 2008: The American people actually hear about it.
  12. well hear about it way before then, america dropped the whole "Talk low and carry a big stick" deal that roosevelt had us under. anyways, I love the Sheriff Bell qoute in sig, the book is amazing.
  13. I'm not going to -rep you (just in case this is some e-irony I didn't pick up on), but I've lost a lot of respect for you.

    Edit: Read your follow up post. E-respect regained. :) haha.

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