Everything in moderation

Discussion in 'General' started by jimboob, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. #1 jimboob, Feb 1, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 2, 2011
    I've been at it regularly for a few years now. Weed definatly taught me a lot about myself, and it gave me the perception I have today, kicked my social life in gear, showed me how easy it is to get girls. And alot of that is good, i'm happy with myself, but when I'm sober I feel like a chunk of my soul is missing.

    And that chunk fits right back snuggly into place when i get high, but experience has showed me that getting high all day doesn't work for me, wouldn't want it too anyway.

    When i'm sober I'm very quiet around the house, laugh less and I feel like my mind is always thinking about what I'm going to do "next", i can't live in the moment. At least not in the haze i'm in now. Its effecting my relationship with my familly and especially my brother, who just annoys me nowadays.

    I shouldn't have to rely on a substance to live my life to the fullest and to get along with my familly and shit. I need some time to even out I guess.

    Problem is i just took a month off to clear my head, and during that month off I felt pretty good, but I STILL felt like a chunk of me was still missing; the happy-giddy "life's short just chill" part of me wasn't there. That mindset that weed gives me.

    Idk if smoking on just weekends will do it for me...idk man im goin out for a final smoke right now, maybe i'll sort this out.

    Any comments?
  2. Find your happy place bro.
  3. Same situation.

    I'm just so cynical when i'm sober. You're right about seeing who you are when you're high. Wish i hadn't looked...
  4. Sobriety sucks.
  5. its a daily struggle bro, I wish I had something cool to say but I dont, and even if I did, it wouldnt change how you feel.
    i really hope you can figure yourself out man, good luck buddy
  6. Im the opposite, when i get high i'm all the things you are when your sober
  7. Yes, balance and maintaining your ying-yang is essential in life. Well, it's hard to keep my coffee and buddha in moderation. I don't smoke all day long, but it helps me when i need some puffs throughout the day. Fuck cigs though, i regret ever starting them up, it's hard to moderate those bitches, though i havebeen cutting back by smoking halves at a time, or only puffing on one if i realllllllly feel that nicotine craving. Down to about half a pack or less a day, sometimes only one or two if i'm out doing stuff. It's hard to not pick one up when i'm sitting back chilling, reading something, or really dedicated to a project (music, some computer work, etcc sonny)
  8. Im doing the same, half way through a month atleast break. Feeling good. You definitely dont realise how much you need a break until you do, and I recommend people taking them from time to time.

    My memory is fucked and I havent realised how much til full time work I have landed now. I look at it differently now though thats for sure. I look at people that do it in social situations like gatherings and they tend to be ridiculously boring and I worry I looked like that too. I dunno what to suggest seeing you took a break but I guess if you think your a better person on it then go right ahead, just keep it under control.

    It doesnt do the same shit to me anymore and its so samey that I see it as a waste to do it often. I guess dabbling further did that to me as there are sooo so many more amazing feelings, but hush hush on that subject eh.
    how do we stop this?!?!
  10. Ahh well for anyone who cares i figured my shit out, realized that weed opened some doors for me and helped me realize my potential, and (as my few phycadelic trips have taught me again and again...) I really don't need pot anymore. I noticed I was solving the same problems over and over again in my head.

    Even though I only smoked once a day, I was afraid to face my problems sober and always looked foward to that smoke at the end of the day.

    So like if pot was the key that opened the door for me, instead of stepping through I stood in the doorway jammin the key in the lock over and over lol. Pot showed me im fully capable of doing anything i want to do, so i gata man up and do it now, without relying on a drug.

    I think i was just flat out abusing it and since my mind was all scrambled from all the gettin high, even when "sober", i had trouble using what I gained from smoking.

    So i decided to take a nice long break until spring break, maybe even the summer if im feelin good. When i start up again i'm gonna keep it old school by smoking once in a while and watch my mental health carefully.

    Shit i even remeber when i first started feeling scrambled the day after smoking. It really bothered me at first but I ignored it and smoked more and more. I figured I would get used to it, and i did, but it was in no way worth it.

    BUT i'm not turning my back on the herb and i'll be back when i get my shit straight. It did me alot of good. Maybe weed's good for self-reflection and thinking about the world... i have no fuckin clue, but i couldn't imagine the shithole i'd be swimmin in if i hadn't started tokin'.

    And really this forum has showed me that stoners are a good people, with awsome shit goin on in our heads. We just need to apply ourselves sometimes! :smoke:
  11. sorry if ive missed any insight or a topic change; but i only read the title.

    now what i have to say:

    im gonna write it now:


    everything in moderation; including moderation.
  12. I think it's got to do with the pre-conceived notion that marijuana "reveals you to yourself," like a placebo.
  13. You don't. Well i don't...

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