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Everything and anything about or to do with grow boxes

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by IAmOz, Aug 6, 2012.

  1. I want all knowledge about grow boxes, throw it at me. :)
  2. They're square or rectangle and made of wood or what you want to know?
  3. We're off to a good start.
  4. You can make one yourself or get a need a cooled hood so you can expel the lights air out and it's good to have a separate exhaust for the carbon intake is also helpful in keeping temps down and providing fresh for how you grow in it is up to you..throw a Rubbermaid in there and do dwc or soil in pots..they're pretty simple once you get the heat out
  5. I've been looking into ones on the internet. I'm wondering mainly how efficient they are with smell, the yield you can get out of growing this way, does anyone have recommendations for purchased hydroponic ones?

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