Everyone Read This and Do It To Make A Difference!

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by RMJL, Jan 23, 2003.

  1. I got this email today and thought I'd share it with everyone. I always send out letters but MPP provides a quicker way to do it.

    The web address http://www.mpp.org/TN/action.html can be changed for your own state by deleting TN and replacing it with your own state abbreviation. Everybody get to it and send some letters out.

    TO: Tennessee residents*

    FROM: Paul Gessing, MPP legislative analyst

    DATE: Thursday, January 23, 2003

    SUBJECT: Urge your legislators to introduce medical marijuana
    legislation this year


    Each year, MPP hears from countless state legislators who say citizens
    are not interested in medical marijuana. Despite overwhelming public
    support as noted in countless opinion polls, including a November 2002
    Time magazine poll that found 80 percent of Americans support medical
    marijuana, many legislators say that medical marijuana is simply not
    an important issue for the overwhelming majority of voters.

    Please visit http://www.mpp.org/TN/action.html to send a pre-written
    letter to your state representative and senator. After you choose your
    favorite pre-written letter and type in your address, our site will
    automatically determine who your state legislators are and e-mail your
    letter to them ... all with the click of a few buttons. The whole
    process takes less than two minutes but makes a world of difference.

    Tell your legislators that medical marijuana is an important issue,
    and ask them to take action to protect patients from arrest and
    prosecution under state law if they use marijuana with their doctors'

    The 2003 legislative session began on January 14, so it is important
    that you act soon. With your help, medical marijuana will not be left
    off the legislature's agenda again.



    MPP's state legislative alerts service is funded entirely by the
    contributions of MPP allies and members nationwide. If you find MPP's
    state legislative alerts service helpful, please consider making a
    donation at: http://www.mpp.org/MoneyForStates

    Because MPP devotes 100% of its efforts toward influencing public
    policy, contributions are not tax-deductible. However, the above link
    also provides a way to make a tax-deductible donation.
  2. The sample letters are strictly concerning medicinal use but you can write your own letters for decriminalization or legalization.
  3. nice. thanks for sharing this rmjl. its every little step that counts!! I hope all you take some time to read it all over, and send it the letters!!!! all 4 proudly in my name were sent, I honestly hope you all do the same...what do we have here people? motivation. thaaaaaaank you rmjl for giving this to us to help us on our way!!!!!!!! (love to SJ~~;) )

  4. and yes! I havent even gotten this far myself..Im heading there now...PLEASE, people, this is what it is about.

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