Lmao just a random high thought :GarciaVegaSmokin: How would you think your Dealer would react? Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
One of my old dealers would just say no. Another one of my dealers would accept as long as its the ammount. Another one would just accept the shit and say no more after this. So yeah.. money is money?
My dealer got mad that my twenties were crumpled up. I dont think paying in change would make him happy. Though it would be funny as fuck to buy a full oz in change. Hed probly never sell to you again Sent from my LG-E739 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
I've done it before, but usually I'm nice enough to go get my change exchanged into dollars if I need to do that.
ive had a dealer that accepted all ones and shit, but rolls of quarters cmon? At least have the courtesy to go to a godamn coinstar or something lol.
I know a kid who has rools of quarters and he would just trade the rolls for bills and distribute those. Sent from my SCH-I535 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
No. I have enough decency to attempt to not look like a junky by spending one extra minute shopping at any gas station to exchange it for a bill.
haha i used to accept it all the time, money is money, more coins for beach parking aha. as long as its there and they waited so i could count it, no worries man.
why?? youre just putting the work of turning it into paper money onto them. seems kinda shitty, like you don't value their time. disrespect lol depends how much youre buying, too, i guess, and if you're actually desperate or not. maybe they'll pity u.
I bought in eighth in quarters a couple years ago. It wasn't even a roll of them, they were all together in a big ass bag. Took me forever to count those fuckers Sent from my iPod touch using Grasscity Forum
So the trick is to take some rools, exchange them for bills and then distribute those? Interesting...