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Ever smoked yourself sober?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Cabin Fever, Oct 7, 2010.

  1. A few times I've ended up smoking bowl after bowl and just not feeling very high at all, whereas theres been times I've been Blown after just one bowl. Why is this?
  2. Could be an increase in your tolerance. Take a little t-break then smoke a few bowls and you'll probably get pretty stoned :cool:
  3. Depends on the quality too.

    On reggo, I'll smoke seriously a bowl an hour, and never get that high.

    Weed has a "cap", and it's mostly based on the quality of the weed. When you first start smoking ANYTHING is high as fuck, cause you've never done it before. After you've been doing it a while......gotta upgrade.

    Long story short, upgrade your weed.
  4. No, its definitely not the quality, and I really dont have that much of a tolerance. I'm not gonna be that annoying kid "yo dog I only smoke the dankest of the dank" but I live in a rapidly growing suburb of dallas, and I can honestly say I smoke some of the best weed of anyone in high school or around that age in my city, which mind you isnt that big, and one of my best friends is also my dealer, so I havent smoked reggie in a good while. Basically what I'm trying to say is, I would smoke a few bowls and be really baked, but then keep smoking and my high will kind of plateau and after my high wears off I cant get it back even close to where it was no matter how much more I smoke. This doesnt always happen but has a few times and was disappointing.
  5. IMHO when you get that high you forget what sober feels like. You're so high that it just feels normal.

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