Ever notice..?

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by OriginUnknown, Sep 24, 2010.

  1. I don't know if it's just me, but I tend to see that most MJ smokers that I know are Atheist's or don't believe in the Christian god, including myself.
    Maybe it's when your stoned you open your mind more and think. I don't know, what do you believe?
  2. i beleive that something is out there, ive been in many situations were i should of died... but someone was watching me making sure i didn't and i would complete my mission (iraq).

    but if ur looking at it with a scientific view u cant disprove god as much as u can prove it.
  3. yes marijuana makes you think much more not that atheism is correct but yeah lots of smokers would be atheist.
  4. Maybe only bad people smoke mj
  5. #6 OriginUnknown, Sep 24, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 24, 2010
    I'm "technically" Roman catholic, though I definitely don't believe in the christian god, I haven't really looked into anything else.
    I feel it's up to the person what they want to believe, though religion is filled with lies some of which are starting to be questioned scientifically(like the exodus).

    Like if you stop to think about things like heaven and hell, god and the devil you can really start to take a different perspective on it and it looks more as just a way to set rules and morals and keep people out of a life of crime.
    Which would make sense as if you look into beliefs of Indian's and other groups of people they tend to use stories to try to find a reason for something they don't understand.
    Similar thought could be put into Christianity in terms of using god to explain how things were made instead of actually trying to find out, if the people in the time of "Jesus" thought this way then what they believed would obviously follow through generations without really being questioned getting us to where we are today.

    Don't really want this to turn into a religious debate however and I'm not looking down on Christians or Christianity, just voicing my opinion.
  6. God is non-existent stupid bullshit, end of story. Move along folks...

  7. What's up ith the negativity. Just because you dont believe in something that others do doesnt mean you have to bash it.
  8. Ever notice how some stoners are militant atheists?

    Usually when someone denies something so strongly, or defends their "beliefs" so aggressively, it usually means they are hiding something...
  9. true that^

    i'm an atheist because if there were a god it would be more insulting to him than to be agnostic.
  10. #11 OriginUnknown, Sep 24, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 24, 2010
    I'm not a fan of the I don't believe it, nobody should its all BS attitude. My belief's may differ but I'm always open to discussion and never try to force mine on others, that's one thing I dislike about some strains of Christianity(Forcing beliefs).

    One other thing is that even if there is a god, he's not someone I would want to be friends with when looking at all the horrible things that go on.
  11. True, and not true. A lot of olden days religious fanatics smoked plenty of weed in their day.

    It's just that now we have science, psychology, understanding, logic, reason, bones from 200,000 year old humans, and so on.

    Marijuana lets you view the facts.

    Is every high person truly the next prophet as we sometimes believe we are when we are high? Nah.....we just have a "tool" that helps us think more closely to how all the prophets of known and unknown....happened to think.
  12. [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ExAw4hIhRIU"]YouTube - Doug Stanhope - Would you Believe[/ame]

    That pretty much sums up my view on religion.
  13. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MeSSwKffj9o]YouTube - George Carlin - Religion is bullshit.[/ame]

    I think Carlin is a pioneer on finally summing it up.
  14. Most religious people won't smoke pot because it's "bad"

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