My friend just went to Toronto to pick up some seeds that me and him are going to share. I was wondering if any of you have any experience with this strain. It is called "XXX" or "Triple X", and is classified as an indica indoor strain that finishes bud in 6 weeks. Thanks in advance! TGT
i was just talkin to a guy who is growing triple x he got them from ontario seed bank and he said hes not impressed with the size of the buds yet they havnt fully filled in and its the 8th or 9th week of 12/12 he hasnt smoked any yet but he thinks "quote" made a mistake in buyin this strain and should have stayed with my regular " dont mean to make you worry i know it took 5th place in some class so good luck and let us know how it goes sorry just finished readin all your post and if it does finish in 6 weeks i dont know why hes still flowering 2-3 weeks more if there already done
No offence, but either your friend doesnt know what he's doing or he got crappy seeds . XXX is done completely by week 7/8 of 12/12 . Done right the buds are quite large at the end.
lol i dont know this guy at all hes just a regular at our local hydroponic shop dont even know his name lol
Is that Skunk XXX you are talking about? Because if it is these guys say it is ready in 55 days: That does not make too much sence though because if it is a Sativa/Indica, it should take longer to rippen. Hmmmm....