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Ever heard of Raspberry kush?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Loud202Pack, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. is it good?
    How much a gram?
  2. Can't say I've ever heard of it, though there's tons of kush variations. For price, that would depend on what area you live in.
  3. prolly 15-20 a gram if its legit... youll know by the smell.. trust me. Itll be way to strong.
  4. never go by name, inspect the bud yourself. judging by the name your dealer is slapping on the bud its prob pretty good stuff (unless hes just talking up some mids with a fruit/kush name).
    depending on your area that should be 10-20/gram and no more
  5. Raspberry Kush is delicious. It's like candy. I'm just bummed I haven't gotten any lately. Raspberry has become my favorite fruit as a result of my experience.
  6. Agreed.

    Stop listening to names,
    and inspect the bud before you but it..

    I never heard of raspberry kush, and trust me, ive heard and smoked a lot of "kush strains"

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