i smoked some weed w/ crack. i was messed up and had to quit after 3 hits because i just started smokin again, but the other three people i was with smoked 8 fuckin joints!
crack.....is for ass holes dont smoke crack... it will make you an asshole lase a joint with a little coke once in awile is one thing .... crack is alot diff....and fucking stupid!
i know, an ex buddy of mine does every drug imaginable, and he is a TOTALLY different person now.. im not even sure if he remembers me
yeah man ...becarefull... there is a difference between chaching a buzz and getting cought up in one...
sorry brother....it wasent lased with lsd..... it was probably some killer shit people used to try and tell us they lased pot with all kinds of shit when i was younger and dident know better and ...you cant smoke acid it just does not work altho i thought a cupple times i had.... i found out i was not correct...it was just realy good pot!
Well i got crack once that well and truelly fucked me over i twigged it werent straight but the second joint lol but it didnt stop me it was my mates i just assumed it was weed. Second time was this wknd and it was laced with some mdma or speed or summit in the beta -blocka varitey