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Ever Found Weed???

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by fri3dric3, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. So couple days ago i had to go get some gas from the nearest Esso.
    i pull up to the pump, open my door, an before i step out i notice a ziplock baggy with 3 pre rolled joints in it just lying on the ground.........SCORE!!!
    i smoked those bad boys on the ride home. then while i was high i was thinking how much of a bummer it would be to just lose 3 joints. so i felt kinda bad for the guy who dropped em.

    So have any of you ever happen to just find weed?

    OR have any of you lost weed?
  2. Ha ha, too careful to lose my weed. For instance, it rarely leaves the house once I pick it up.

    Bet that smoker must have been gutted.
  3. i found 1.5 grams in a baggy infrount of my house under my mailbox someone must have dropped it over night
  4. every once in a while i'll find a bag i forgot i had, but i've still yet to find public weed :)
  5. Had a blowout at my house one night, the next morning i found an 8th on the floor in my garage, ahhh good morning indeed
  6. Aw man! that's awesome!

    I need to find some public weed.. I can't even find a damn dealer ATM!
  7. I found a TINY baggie outside a furniture store years ago. Looked like less than .5 gram. I didn't even pick it up. I wasn't a toker at the time...
  8. oh yeah!

    at the river I found a small glass container of orange colored chronic (maybe 1/2 gram). some of the best weed i've ever smoked.

    In a gazeebo at this "Autumn party" I reached under a bench and found a nicely rolled joint. my friends and I smoked it in a nearby barn (a somewhat douchey move, in retrospect)

    and of course the various nugs that get lost in a car or a forgotten in a jacket etc.
  9. No... But I was given some weed last year at Mardi Gras in St. Louis. Some guy walked up to me and asked if I smoked weed, I said yes, and he handed me about 2 grams of nuggets and said hell yeah brother, white power... and then walked away. It actually made that hell fest they call mardi gras worth it

  10. lol at least the racist wasn't stingy with his weed.
  11. I wish I could find some public weed. :(
  12. #12 tonster0161, Jan 28, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2011
    i got a pretty funny story of the only time i found bud outside.

    so me and a buddy were waiting at a park for my guy to come drop off a he gets there and shows me the bag and it was pretty short, so i told him and he was like "well i would put more in for you but i dropped my stash on the way here" so i agree to buy it anyway being desperate and he said next time he would hook it up fat. so me and my buddy are walking down the same street he came from and after walking about a block, what do i see on the ground. a bag on the side of the street, with a bit more than an 8th in it. so being the good stoner i am i called him and told him i found his bag on the street. he was so happy, he even split the bag with me 50-50 for actually calling him and telling him instead of taking it all. and ever since then my bags from him have been really really nice.

  13. I don't know how anybody who smokes herb could be a skinhead :(
  14. i found a plant out back across the river once when i was exploring while baked out of my skull. was just hopping along the rocks up the river and i decided to stop and look back from where i came and noticed something white hidden very well up ontop of the river bank in a bunch of trees, so i was like WTF!
    went up to check it out and there before me stood about a 2 foot tall plant! the only way anyone could have saw it was if they were in the exact spot i saw it from haha i couldnt believe it. it was set quite well because it was blocked from vision but from where i saw it, it had an opening for sunlight

    that was so exciting haha i never got to poach it cause it was already harvested and too late in the season to grow again but im going to go back this summer and see if its still there growing
  15. I personally have not but my friend was telling me a story about how he was walking in his woods and found a coffee container filled with weed. Which is believable coming from him, and his neighbor has loads of plants in the woods.
  16. Buddy (that's his name, I'm not a condescending prick): don't steal that weed man, how would you feel if your plant got stolen?
  17. just found a nice nug i forgot about last week in my drawer....other than that i found .5 in a baggy on the ground with a homemade bong beside it carrying a fully loaded, un-smoked bowl:smoke:
  18. been part of two stories that involved getting weed in random places. First off my friend found about 2 grams of dank in the parking lot at school. We smoked it. Another friend was about to go into the single bathroom of a jack in the box when another dude forced his way in front of him saying "I have to take a shit." my friend returns to his seat. When the guys comes out he walks past the table and drops a nug on the fries saying "for your troubles youngsta" That bud looked a little suspect, but we smoked it anyways.
  19. Ground scored weed on more than one occasion.

    At my last apartment, within a week of moving in I found a half eighth of frosty nugs by our mailboxes, a few days later I found a quarter of the same stuff in a jar in the grassy field at the back of the complex with a label on it from a local club callin it silver savior.

    recently found 6 rolled joints and a big bag of shake on the sidewalk, it was shitty but free.
  20. Was at a friends house just chilling and we were upset that we didn't have any weed. We were just talking and all of a sudden we found a bud on the floor and i was awestruck. We don't know whose it was (probably someone dropped it on the floor awhile ago) but we didn't question it and it was a good day.

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