Hospitals have REALLY good lawyers that you & I could never afford, or at least I could not. My lawyer said "I am good but they are in a class of their own". The hospital will throw you under the bus in a heartbeat, CYA! Good luck.
Keyword.. Company You aint sueing any person, companies have shit to protect assets of those in charge. Thats why small businesses have LLCs Companies have a lot of money for lawyers usually, or will settle if they're smaller to prevent time in court. Talk to an injury lawyer.
Aint you a bit old for bar fights? You went to the hospital, he went to jail? LOL some things you never outgrow, or at least I haven't yet.
Dude people are fuckin crazy! And they aren't as friendly as they use to be. And everyone suffers from main character syndrome. I just don't even want to go anywhere cuz ppl are crazy
1 was drinking & playing cards & I can't remember what it was over. The other was a guy cutting the line at lowes & as my wife always says I don't know when to keep my big mouth shut & I don't think I could back down if I wanted to. I blame the ADHD.
YES we are. I avoid people also, maybe it's why I haven't been sick in over 10 years maybe more. The wife & I have never had Covid & a friend died of it.