Ever bred incorporating HEMP?

Discussion in 'Cannabis Breeding' started by JJ Mallon, Apr 20, 2017.

  1. I've had three strains that were at least in part hemp:

    Mexican Sativa x hemp- "mexihemp" (50/50)

    Mexihemp x Cherry Pie (25/25/50)

    Mexihemp x Blue Dream (25/25/50)

    I've gotta say, it's good medicine. They're generally clear-headed, relaxing, sleep-inducing in the evening, and great for pain management. The elevated CBD content is apparent, though I have no way to quantify the actual amounts.

    These aren't "mind-blowing" strains. 1-2 hits work well as clear-headed medicine. 3-plus hits and you're in the recreational zone. Sometimes I close my eyes for a minute and it turns out that minute was about 3 hours. But it's not heavy like an indica, so it's pretty sneaky.

    They work well alone or as a salad with pretty much any strain I've come across. They have a "well rounded" quality to them, not just a quick THC spike followed by a crash.

    So.... anyone else have bred/grown/smoked anything similar?

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  2. fascinating, clearly you've gotten some very good results. I'm not sure I'd want to use hemp myself, but in the same vein, I'm interested in breeding with jungli/ landraces for my medical projects.
    I'm running pure lebanese outdoor this year, a cultivated landrace.
  3. the main reason I probably wouldn't use hemp is that I don't do well with very high cbd ratios, so jungli, charas, or heirloom fiber strains might be better choice for me because of their more varied cannabinoid profiles.
  4. can you do a cannabinoid profile on this new strains?
    or some other results like disease/pest resistances
  5. I can offer some insight, but I don't have any lab tested methods to quantify my claims...

    Being that two of the strains are 25% hemp, I'd guess that the normal strains which might clock in at 12% THC would be down to 8%, and the CBD level may be as high as 1%. Certainly not potent herb by any metric, but rather a nice (and very smooth smoking) buffer zone that allows one to choose between "just enough" for pain management to allow one to still be coherent and functional and next level recreational use, which it's certainly capable of producing.

    Again, I cannot offer concrete evidence, but the presence of hemp would in theory help the plants acclimate to the colder climate and ever changing weather patterns native to this area of the Upper Midwest.
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  6. I'm not 100% certain that the hemp is the difference maker, but there's two strains growing side by side- one being the mexihemp x Blue Dream, and "Nice Dreams" (Blue Dream x Mr Nice). Both were flowered early for an outdoor grow season, but here's the difference- Nice Dreams is turning purple and looks like it will finish early as the evenings are cold (32-40). The hemp containing strain looks to be handling the cold very well and will probably go on to reveg and stick around until the end of summer.

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