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Even the portestors in pakistan are telling obama what we are...

Discussion in 'General' started by untamedlion33, May 5, 2011.

  1. pakistanis are obama's people?
  2. Poor people.

    I think it's really inconsiderate of us to "get revenge" on the so called terrorists without taking into notice the collateral, correct-the long lasting collateral damage that could be imposed upon a 3rd party. Looks like they praise him a lot in that video.
  3. of course they do, thats there guy. but the thing is obama is hearing it everywhere, from us, europe and even these people he's just not listening. by keeping this going he's just making these people think our country wants to wipe them out, but really most americans want it to be over with as much as they do. i dont wonder why they hate us at all.
  4. is Obama the world's president or something? i think the killing of bin laden was more of moral booster for the war, not against, for the United States at least
  5. no he isnt but its a philosophy of mine, "if you hear that you need to change something about yourself or something your doing from multiple people from multiple standpoints, its something you gotta change". it dosnt boost morality at all, it just says to everyone that what he says and what he does are always 2 diffrent things. how many times has he said he wants to pull out just in the past year? all this is gonna do is piss pakistanians off even more. these people are nuts, they dont care about getting paid, which i think is concept americans just dont get. they strap bombs to themselves just to prove a point, we just write letters, lol.
  6. If you watched the video, which obviously, you did not. You would see that the nice Pakistani gentleman stated "It is clear to the whole world that it was staged. There was no reality in it. There was no osama in Abottabad. They have staged this drama to enter pakistan and have access to our nuclear installations. "

    What killing of bin laden?
  7. i saw that but the thing is we'll never really know any of that for sure. the fact he's willing to go as far as saying osama is dead says he wants to stay there.
  8. i like the sign the protester on the left is holding when the video ends

    "Obama solve your own problems first your people need you more than us. Leave us alone."

    osama aside i am completely ashamed of my countries actions in the last decade, we get away with murder and the people dont even realize this
  9. Honestly I would take the word of a Pakistani before I believed the words of our media. Obviously there has to be some truth to it, I mean, this guy lives there, he would know.

    A 10 year long goose hunt? Please, the U.S. could have found and killed osama within a month after his vicious terrorist attack. Then again, all we can do is go by word of mouth.. So it's all fiction until proven otherwise. Too bad we'll never know the truth of the situation or what exactly happened on that day.
  10. SHAMWOW: Why I'm not voting for Barack Obama again

    I think this pretty much says it all for me. long blog short the american expirament has failed. no matter who we vote for we only think we have a choice, who ever is president is a puppet to a number of corporations. no one cares about what the people want anymore, democracy is over.
  11. That is not news to me. Our last real president was JFK and that was back in the 60's when everyone was doing things we can't discuss here.
  12. interesting, want to say anything else that is false about my life? i don't know what this has anything to do with what i said...but yeah, i do think we killed osama, and if we plan on staying there so be it, we were already there anyway.

  13. #14 martyp, May 5, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: May 5, 2011
    Obama had a group of seals go find him dead or alive and one shot him, first in the chest and then above his left eye through the head. Obama and others watched it live in the white house and obama responded with "thats not who we are." There's more to it so look it up
  14. I'll believe it when I... oh wait, no I won't.

    Supposedly Osama was not armed when they killed him if you follow the news reports. So why didn't they just capture him and give him a trial like they did with sadam?

    Does anyone else think this is bogus? Why the fuck did they throw his body off the boat before we could verify? Also, some news agencies have been showing a photo that many experts say is fake. What do I think? It's 50/50. It's possible that he is really dead and we got him. Just as likely is we found one of the tapes he would submit if he died, faked his death, and are going to submit the video in a few days. Would be a great way to bring up obama's approval ratings and all that jazz. :rolleyes:
  15. #16 untamedlion33, May 5, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: May 5, 2011
    did he really say that cause check out what hes saying now:

    [ame=]YouTube - President Obama on Death of Osama bin Laden[/ame]

    (he gets to the point at 3:35)
  16. Obama wasn't even in Abottabad.

    He was in Costelloabad!

  17. and assuming its a hoax osama would just stay put and play along?:rolleyes:

    if any politician is stupid enough to have that gameplan i will kill myself via facepalm
  18. Militants protest?
  19. Why? Nixon managed it for a while.

    So did Clinton for that matter.

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