European stoners, where are you?

Discussion in 'General' started by zemanely, Mar 30, 2012.

  1. Cmon guys, the only europeans I see here are british. Where's the rest?

    I'd really like to compare quality and prices with you, show up! Talk about how weed is seen where you live, etc :D

    Be more active in this forum, this is also a good way to show our fellow stoners in the USA how we do it across the atlantic!
  2. You haven't looked all that hard then :p

    There are Dutch, Swedes, Norwegians, Germans, Portuguese, Irish, one or two French (i'm British, but I emigrated) to name a few...

  3. yeah the gangs all here

    we mostly spend our time correcting the americans perception of Europe
    it's great fun
  4. [quote name='"Twee"']

    yeah the gangs all here

    we mostly spend our time correcting the americans perception of Europe
    it's great fun[/quote]

    Herp derp is British the same as English? Damn redcoats with your bad teeth and tea and biscuits.
  5. I dont like tea or and dont eat many biscuits, my teeth are fairly shiny :D
    But I do like weed.....[ame=]How High - Got Blunt Got Weed? - YouTube[/ame]
  6. northern european from Canada reporting in
  7. i wanna move from texas.....

  8. and its funny cause we mostly spend our time correcting the Europeans' perception of america! it is pretty fun! :D

  9. [​IMG]

  10. Shout Out to the Tokers in various countries in Europe!
  11. 'Sup from Estonia.

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